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Re: Adsense & Ads for phpBB

Posted: 08 Sep 2016, 06:28
by Stoker
Potku wrote: 08 Sep 2016, 04:57 I reread this topic, but I couldn't find an answer to this.

The AdBlock Warning is activated, and page source says so, too. Still there is no warning when using AdBlock. Where did I go wrong? :) - Keskustelujen etusivu
You need something in adblock detector code. I use a text link.

Re: Adsense & Ads for phpBB

Posted: 08 Sep 2016, 09:16
by Potku
Okay, it requires that, then. Thanks. :)

Our Adsense code is responsive. Because the Adblock Detector code cannot be responsive, I created a new code for it that isn't responsive. That caused our header to have two Adsense Ads, our original responsive and this new non-responsive, so I disabled the Detector. But now I know how this all works, thanks. :)

Re: Adsense & Ads for phpBB

Posted: 08 Sep 2016, 11:29
by Stoker
Potku wrote: 08 Sep 2016, 09:16 Okay, it requires that, then. Thanks. :)

Our Adsense code is responsive. Because the Adblock Detector code cannot be responsive, I created a new code for it that isn't responsive. That caused our header to have two Adsense Ads, our original responsive and this new non-responsive, so I disabled the Detector. But now I know how this all works, thanks. :)
Take a look how it works here. I dont have any problem with header code or adblock. Responsive in header and a text link in adblock detector ;)

Re: Adsense & Ads for phpBB

Posted: 08 Sep 2016, 11:36
by Potku
Okay, maybe I am doing something wrong, then. :)

Here's a screencap of AdBlock Warning and AdBlock Detector enabled (with a text link code; in page source, the name of that AdSense code is AdBlock).

Re: Adsense & Ads for phpBB

Posted: 08 Sep 2016, 11:41
by Stoker
Potku wrote: 08 Sep 2016, 11:36 Okay, maybe I am doing something wrong, then. :)

Here's a screencap of AdBlock Warning and AdBlock Detector enabled (with a text link code; in page source, the name of that AdSense code is AdBlock).
Maybe this screenshot explains better:

Re: Adsense & Ads for phpBB

Posted: 08 Sep 2016, 16:20
by Potku
OK, I cannot get it to work. AdBlock Detector code is AdSense but not responsive, but using ABP, the ads disappear but no warning comes up. I must have done something wrong, I guess. :)

Re: Adsense & Ads for phpBB

Posted: 08 Sep 2016, 16:34
by Stoker
Potku wrote: 08 Sep 2016, 16:20 OK, I cannot get it to work. AdBlock Detector code is AdSense but not responsive, but using ABP, the ads disappear but no warning comes up. I must have done something wrong, I guess. :)
Well, its quite simple to create a text link ad in the adsense kontrol panel.
It is exactly the same i use on this site. Its just under the banner in the header.

Re: Adsense & Ads for phpBB

Posted: 08 Sep 2016, 17:54
by Potku
It is, and I've done that, too, but still there is no warning. You can see it does exist in page source. I guess that's how it is, then. :)

Re: Adsense & Ads for phpBB

Posted: 08 Sep 2016, 18:13
by Stoker
I dont see any adsense text link on your site. Only banner.

Re: Adsense & Ads for phpBB

Posted: 08 Sep 2016, 18:34
by Potku
OK, I re-enabled those functions. Now you can see the links. :)