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PhpBB3 Radio Mod

Posted: 05 Mar 2010, 12:36
by Stoker
Title: PhpBB3 Radio Mod

Moved here: viewtopic.php?f=45&t=1281

Re: PhpBB Radio Mod

Posted: 19 Mar 2010, 17:46
by keith10456
I noticed on phpbb this mod is marked as abandoned... May I ask why?

Re: PhpBB Radio Mod

Posted: 19 Mar 2010, 18:13
by Stoker
At the moment I dont support the mod other places than here.
Thats why I locked the topic at

Re: PhpBB Radio Mod

Posted: 19 Mar 2010, 19:16
by keith10456
Stoker ยป 19 Mar 2010, 17:13 wrote:At the moment I dont support the mod other places than here.
Thats why I locked the topic at
Oh... OK... Glad I registered then :D

Re: PhpBB Radio Mod

Posted: 22 Mar 2010, 18:09
by keith10456
Not sure if you're willing to assist with this one or not...

Since your Radio Mod can stream live video as well as audio, I (and a couple of other phpbb members) attempted to create a Live Radio player and a Live Video player by duplicating and rename the files... Essentially creating a radio2.php, radio2.xml file and the language radio2.php file.

The radio2 player works as it should except a message is received stating that a station wasn't selected... Even though one is selected and playing.

Any idea why this is happening? Attached are the files.

Re: PhpBB Radio Mod

Posted: 23 Mar 2010, 07:34
by Stoker
Find this in the radio2.html:

Code: Select all

<p><!-- IF radio2 neq 0 -->{L_LISTENING_TO}: <u>{NP_NAME}</u><!-- ELSE --> {L_NO_CHOICE_MADE_YET}<!-- ENDIF --></p>
and change to:

Code: Select all

<p><!-- IF RADIO neq 0 -->{L_LISTENING_TO}: <u>{NP_NAME}</u><!-- ELSE --> {L_NO_CHOICE_MADE_YET}<!-- ENDIF --></p>

Re: PhpBB Radio Mod

Posted: 23 Mar 2010, 16:51
by asrock
Hi Stoker, really really need your help. I'm using the latest version of phpbb 3.0.7-PL or whatever it is :)) I seen this radio mod and its exactly what I have been searching the internet including for. My problem is this... I added your coding, followed the instructions as laid out but I have realised that my Radio link doesnt show up on my header bar (as yours above) in fact it doesnt show at all??? Now I am using Avalon theme which I think is based on subsilver2 ??? (someone will correct me if I'm wrong) Please can you give me any guidance to making this work? Also I dont want the little speaker icon to appear, just the word Radio. I have attached a screen grab of my forum and the red arrow showing where I want the radio link to be. Big thanks in advance!

Re: PhpBB Radio Mod

Posted: 23 Mar 2010, 17:42
by Stoker
If you have done the edit of your overall_header.html and uplooaded the file an refreshed the template all should be fine.

Re: PhpBB Radio Mod

Posted: 23 Mar 2010, 17:52
by asrock
Thanks for the reply Stoker. Honestly if I get this to work it is going to the best Mod ever, its exactly what I've been after for ages. I will check the coding again and get back to you but I do have a couple more quick questions regarding this Mod... Sorry!
I was told on another forum that this Mod will actually eat up my bandwidth everytime a user uses the Radio, Is this true? Sorry for the questions but I am quite new to all this PHPBB lark.
Also, should I edit the Avalon files directly instead of the Subsilver or Prosilver files? Is this maybe where I'm going wrong?
Finally :oops: Will the word Radio automatically show up itself on my forum as yours above or will I still need a speaker icon?
I know, I know but as said I am still wet behind the ears when it comes to phpbb and all of the coding that comes with it.
Many thanks once again.

Re: PhpBB Radio Mod

Posted: 23 Mar 2010, 17:56
by Stoker
I havent seen any bandwidth load on any of the forums I use.
As long the radios are not hosted at your own site it should not affect your bandwidth.

If you ave other styles that prosilver/subsilver2 you have to do the edits to them too and also upload the files the that style.
Look at both instructions and see which one fits the style you are installing it on.

The radio icon is not included ;)