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Signature Ads Bbcoe

Posted: 01 Aug 2010, 18:00
by Darthmaul
Ok, so this ad gives you a title and then some links that you can put in staff's signatures and have links, pictures, etc. Great for promotion forums.
Ok, so for the bbcode usage i did this:

Code: Select all


For the HTML, it's very customizable. Since my forum was promotion box, this was my original code:

Code: Select all

<b>Staff Sig Link Service</b> <a href="/">Promotion Box</a>
But since that didn't look very good, i decided to change it to this:

Code: Select all

<center><b>Staff Sig Link Service</b> 
•<a href="">Your Ad Here</a>•<a href="">Your Ad Here</a>•<a href="">Your Ad Here</a>•</center>
It looks great that way. Now, all you have to do is use this blank one:

Code: Select all

<center><b>Staff Sig Link Service</b> 
•<a href="insert link">insert text</a>•<a href="insert link">insert text</a>•<a href="insert link">insert text</a>•</center>
And change all the inserts to whatever you want!
For the helpline it doesn't matter because it won't be on the posting page, so no members need to see it. Personally i put:

Code: Select all

heeble jeeble
But it doesn't matter what you put there.
And there you have it! Somple and effective staff sig links! Also, you can add as many links as you want/change pretty much anything you want with that code!