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[SOLVED]mChat smilies only work sometimes

Posted: 10 Aug 2010, 11:23
by am.hitek
I can't figure out for the life of me why this is happening.

I help run a forum using mChat 1.2.17 on phpBB 3.0.6

When using mChat, the smilies only work sometimes, and one of them (:ugeek:) doesn't work at all. The smilies work perfectly on the forums. I have another forum that uses the same version and same style (a subsilver2 style) and all the smilies work every time.

If you need me to post any files, let me know. I've tried going through all the mChat files in the mChat zip using a Diff Viewer but couldn't find a difference.

Re: mChat smilies only work sometimes

Posted: 11 Aug 2010, 20:39
by am.hitek

After testing, it looks like the minimum character count is enforced on mChat and will not parse smilies until the min character count is met.

Apparently the guy whose forum I took over adjusted the minimum character count from default '1' to '15'

Checked on my forum, and it was at 1. So put two and two together...

You can find the min character count for posts under ACP > General > Post Settings

Thanks to Neuropass and Rich for their help!!!
RMcGirr83 wrote:This is fixed in the next version (where you can choose to override the settings of the forum for minimum post characters as well as maximum smilies allowed).

Glad you got it figured out.