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how to fix search results ?
Posted: 11 Aug 2010, 17:13
by altafali
hi to all
plz look at my forum cap
i want to add forum column at top instead of show it with search item (it shows forum right below)
i am using fisubice2 style and phpbb3.0.7 PLI
thanks in advance
Re: how to fix search results ?
Posted: 12 Aug 2010, 08:28
by altafali
anybody there??
Re: how to fix search results ?
Posted: 12 Aug 2010, 18:10
by cisco007
no nobody here, we will when we know the answer, just hold on!
P.S. Read the PM i sent you!
Re: how to fix search results ?
Posted: 23 Aug 2010, 20:59
by altafali
plz delete plz post i got it
Re: how to fix search results ?
Posted: 23 Aug 2010, 21:08
by Steve
posts are not deleted here, if no one had time to respond im sorry for that we all have something todo
And if you would you could post how you solved it it maybe usefull for other members
Re: how to fix search results ?
Posted: 23 Aug 2010, 21:13
by KukY13
I helped him with that on my forum
These are the edits for his style:
Code: Select all
<th width="4%" nowrap="nowrap"> </th>
<th colspan="2" nowrap="nowrap"> {L_TOPICS} </th>
Replace with:
Code: Select all
<th width="4%" nowrap="nowrap"> </th>
<th nowrap="nowrap"> {L_FORUM} </th>
<th nowrap="nowrap"> {L_TOPICS} </th>
Code: Select all
<td class="row1">
<!-- IF searchresults.S_UNREAD_TOPIC --><a href="{searchresults.U_NEWEST_POST}">{NEWEST_POST_IMG}</a><!-- ENDIF -->
{searchresults.ATTACH_ICON_IMG} <a href="{searchresults.U_VIEW_TOPIC}" class="topictitle">{searchresults.TOPIC_TITLE}</a>
<!-- IF searchresults.S_TOPIC_UNAPPROVED or searchresults.S_POSTS_UNAPPROVED -->
<a href="{searchresults.U_MCP_QUEUE}">{searchresults.UNAPPROVED_IMG}</a>
<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- IF searchresults.S_TOPIC_REPORTED -->
<a href="{searchresults.U_MCP_REPORT}">{REPORTED_IMG}</a>
<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- IF searchresults.PAGINATION -->
<p class="gensmall"> [ {GOTO_PAGE_IMG}{L_GOTO_PAGE}: {searchresults.PAGINATION} ] </p>
<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- IF searchresults.S_TOPIC_GLOBAL -->
<p class="gensmall">{L_GLOBAL}</p>
<!-- ELSE -->
<p class="gensmall">{L_IN} <a href="{searchresults.U_VIEW_FORUM}">{searchresults.FORUM_TITLE}</a></p>
<!-- ENDIF -->
Replace with:
Code: Select all
<td class="row1">
<!-- IF searchresults.S_TOPIC_GLOBAL -->
<!-- ELSE -->
<a href="{searchresults.U_VIEW_FORUM}">{searchresults.FORUM_TITLE}</a>
<!-- ENDIF -->
<td class="row1">
<!-- IF searchresults.S_UNREAD_TOPIC --><a href="{searchresults.U_NEWEST_POST}">{NEWEST_POST_IMG}</a><!-- ENDIF -->
{searchresults.ATTACH_ICON_IMG} <a href="{searchresults.U_VIEW_TOPIC}" class="topictitle">{searchresults.TOPIC_TITLE}</a>
<!-- IF searchresults.S_TOPIC_UNAPPROVED or searchresults.S_POSTS_UNAPPROVED -->
<a href="{searchresults.U_MCP_QUEUE}">{searchresults.UNAPPROVED_IMG}</a>
<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- IF searchresults.S_TOPIC_REPORTED -->
<a href="{searchresults.U_MCP_REPORT}">{REPORTED_IMG}</a>
<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- IF searchresults.PAGINATION -->
<p class="gensmall"> [ {GOTO_PAGE_IMG}{L_GOTO_PAGE}: {searchresults.PAGINATION} ] </p>
<!-- ENDIF -->