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youtube code

Posted: 14 Aug 2010, 12:42
by VID1973
Hi everyone

I have been having problems on my board with posting youtube vids.

I deleted the old code and installed a new one to try and resolve it.

Ooops...all my videos have gone and its all just the embedded codes !!!!

I am using this version 3.0.6

Can someone point me in the right direction for the correct youtube code to use.



Re: youtube code

Posted: 14 Aug 2010, 12:49
by Oliver
Image Image

Contained dangerous code.


Re: youtube code

Posted: 14 Aug 2010, 12:52
by VID1973
What about the bottom part oliver ???

Re: youtube code

Posted: 14 Aug 2010, 12:52
by VID1973
should i add any text to these codes ?

Re: youtube code

Posted: 14 Aug 2010, 13:16
by VID1973
anyone please ???

Re: youtube code

Posted: 14 Aug 2010, 13:40
by VID1973
Thanks oliver !!!!

Now all my vids have dissapered ...(sorry about the double post stoker)

Is a code still available for phpbb 3.0.6

Thanks for any assistance

Re: youtube code

Posted: 14 Aug 2010, 13:43
by Stoker
Install the Youtube BBCode we have here, its for all phpBB versions.
If the problem persist, go to and download STK, install it and reparse bbcodes.
Thats the way to do it.

Re: youtube code

Posted: 14 Aug 2010, 14:01
by VID1973
It does not seem to be working & unfortunatly i have no experiance with the STK kit.

I have installed the code like this


HTML REPLACEMENT - <div style="text-align:center;">
<table width="505" height="440" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="text-align: center;">
<td background="./images/playerbbcodes.png" width="505" height="440"><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="{IDENTIFIER}&r ... ram><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="{IDENTIFIER}&r ... 2=0xd4d4d4" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></td>

HELPLINE - [YouTubeBB3]link to Video[/YouTubeBB3]


Is this all correct

Sorry for the simple questions


Re: youtube code

Posted: 14 Aug 2010, 14:33
by Stoker
Yes, that is fine.
But as I said you need to reparse bbcodes. STK is here:

Another solution would be to edit all your posts containing the youtube bbcode.

Re: youtube code

Posted: 15 Aug 2010, 18:13
by VID1973
Thanks anyway....a just deleted all my vids and put another code in