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Display admin control panel link in user menu

Posted: 21 Aug 2010, 13:15
by Steve
Places the admin link normally located at the bottom of your forum in the user menu which is found at the top of your forum, its quite a handy snippet.

prosilver instructions
Open styles/prosilver/template/overall_header.html

Code: Select all

<li class="icon-ucp">
					<a href="{U_PROFILE}" title="{L_PROFILE}" accesskey="e">{L_PROFILE}</a>
add before:

Code: Select all

<!-- IF U_ACP --><li class="icon-ucp"><a href="{U_ACP}">{L_ACP}</a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
Refresh the template in admin control panel for prosilver.
subsilver2 instructions.
Open styles/subsilver2/template/overall_header.html

Code: Select all

<!-- IF S_DISPLAY_MEMBERLIST -->&nbsp; &nbsp;<a href="{U_MEMBERLIST}"><img src="{T_THEME_PATH}/images/icon_mini_members.gif" width="12" height="13" alt="*" /> {L_MEMBERLIST}</a><!-- ENDIF -->
add after:

Code: Select all

<!-- IF U_ACP -->&nbsp; &nbsp;<a href="{U_ACP}"><img src="{T_THEME_PATH}/images/icon_mini_profile.gif" width="12" height="13" alt="*" /> {L_ACP}</a><!-- ENDIF -->
Refresh the template in admin control panel for subsilver2.

Re: Display admin control panel link in user menu

Posted: 21 Aug 2010, 13:19
by KukY13
Nice, but when you are at it, wouldn't you also move MCP up there?
Or place ACP next to MCP?

Re: Display admin control panel link in user menu

Posted: 21 Aug 2010, 13:29
by Steve
MCP is located in the index_body.html and is only needed in index,viewforum and viewtopic pages we could put the MCP link there, but dont see no reason as we would have to use a script to hide it from other pages where its not needed ;)