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Topic on viewtopic.html

Posted: 26 Aug 2010, 00:15
by juaxoo
i try find alot of site on googles, i cant find any code of topic display on viewtopics, i found one on here as no code or mod? so where i able find those?


sorry about my english coz i am deaf.

Re: Topic on viewtopic.html

Posted: 26 Aug 2010, 03:09
by Inner Circle
The mod which is used here is called "Similar Topics".
You can find this in the Modification Section

Re: Topic on viewtopic.html

Posted: 26 Aug 2010, 10:16
by juaxoo
Thanks, But i dont want all of it. i just want only topic this all... if i am install this, its will overwirte and mess up of file. i dont want this has happ.

Re: Topic on viewtopic.html

Posted: 26 Aug 2010, 15:00
by Stoker
You cant have a mod without changing the files.