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Adding another post requirement on new topic

Posted: 28 Aug 2010, 21:42
by heredia21
Somewhat like Topic SEO. Where it gives you an option for Topic description on a start of new topic, though it is not required I would like to change that to say Price$: ___-. and make it required on only selected forums or with permissions.

Re: Adding another post requirement on new topic

Posted: 29 Aug 2010, 17:00
by Steve
Yes sure sorry forgot to post,shouldnt be hard todo.
pics and all i need todo is add the enable per forum

Re: Adding another post requirement on new topic

Posted: 29 Aug 2010, 23:10
by heredia21
For Topic Price to append to subject.... Price____ Sbject____ In that format.

Re: Adding another post requirement on new topic

Posted: 29 Aug 2010, 23:26
by Stoker
Great idea for a mod Steve :thumb:
It might be and idea to include a check for the field like we have for the title.

Re: Adding another post requirement on new topic

Posted: 30 Aug 2010, 10:20
by Steve
you mean a requirement the field "something" must be filled out before the topic can be submitted?
What i mean by "something" is im undecided if it should just be for a price.

Re: Adding another post requirement on new topic

Posted: 30 Aug 2010, 11:34
by Stoker
Yes, thats what I meant

Re: Adding another post requirement on new topic

Posted: 30 Aug 2010, 20:30
by heredia21
Any update here?

Re: Adding another post requirement on new topic

Posted: 30 Aug 2010, 21:17
by Stoker
Be patience heridia21 ;)

We are talking about a custom made mod just for you.
I bet Steve needs a couple of days. Who knows, he might even have other responsibilities

Re: Adding another post requirement on new topic

Posted: 31 Aug 2010, 16:49
by heredia21
I truly appreciate it

Re: Adding another post requirement on new topic

Posted: 31 Aug 2010, 16:57
by cisco007
this is going to take longer to install than for the poster to just input manually PRICE blah blah! or why no just create a.. nevermind it's you board!