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img tag change to code tag

Posted: 06 Sep 2010, 02:27
by Harry
Can be done in some forums that the img tag change to code tag
edit bbcode .html

Code: Select all

    <!-- IF FORUM_ID eq "80" -->
    <!-- BEGIN img --><img src="{URL}" alt="{L_IMAGE}" {REIMG_PROPERTIES}/><!-- END img -->
    <!-- ELSE -->
  <!-- BEGIN code_open --><div class="ca-bbcode"><div class="ca-bbcode2 ca-code"><dl class="codebox"><dt><span class="code-links"><a href="#" onclick="ca_expand_code(this); return false;" class="code-expand" title="{L_EXPAND_VIEW}">&nbsp;</a><a href="#" onclick="ca_select_code(this); return false;" class="code-select" title="{L_SELECT_ALL_CODE}">&nbsp;</a></span>{L_CODE}: <a href="#" onclick="selectCode(this); return false;">{L_SELECT_ALL_CODE}</a></dt><dd><code><!-- END code_open -->
<!-- BEGIN code_close --></code></dd></dl></div></div><!-- END code_close -->
    <!-- ENDIF -->
How to achieve that change in certain forums

Sorry for my english