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I need your help!!! [Important]

Posted: 06 Sep 2010, 20:09
by Daniel_Knecht
I have make all the "wbb3 to phpbb3" BBCodes but i have a big problem!

I had a virus on the Computer and my Webspace and me all pictures of my BBCodes got lost. Now I would like to ask you to help me to send the pictures of the following BBCodes.

[bbcode] wbb3 to phpbb3 - Headline
[bbcode] wbb3 to phpbb3 - Spoiler
[bbcode] wbb3 to phpbb3 - Progressbar

I last to you damn Thankfully if to me somebody my pictures I could send the BBCodes can further improve and can make available you.

I hope you can help me :(

Yours sincerely... Daniel

Re: I need your help!!! [Important]

Posted: 06 Sep 2010, 20:51
by Stoker
Since this isnt a contribution I have moved it to support!

I suggest you ask for the images in the topics. Maybe someone have the missing images.

Re: I need your help!!! [Important]

Posted: 06 Sep 2010, 20:55
by Daniel_Knecht
Ok thank u for the first Time Stroker.

I have all Images back :)
I edit all my "wbb3 to phpbb3" Preview Links to my new Board ;)