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Hey there !

Posted: 28 May 2011, 17:02
by Dragosvr92
Hello, im new here, but you may remember seeing my nick, around, on phpbb, i do.....

I Just saw the Admin tricky you did. Do you think i may use it also ? :twisted:

Also, whats with the lame permissions, i cant even click usernames O.o

Uh, oh, and how may i add the characters left thingy on my place ? :D

Re: Hey there !

Posted: 28 May 2011, 18:11
by Stoker
Welcome to you killerboy :D

The newly user permission thing is security. Just the way it works.
Everything in the 3.0.X Modifications forums are free to use. The same with support.

You will find things here that I dont share with you.
Admin and Characters left are 2 of those things.
However Donators has access to Donators Area where they, amongst other things, can request those things.

Enjoy your stay here :thumb:

Re: Hey there !

Posted: 29 May 2011, 09:57
by Dragosvr92
ye.. its annoying. i only used it a short period, but i de-activated it.
Damn, i really liked to add the admin thingy on my place, lol
May i just use the background sounds, and skelet image?

Btw, i think ill get the Download PhpBB3 Please Wait, and PrettyPhoto YouTube BBCode :D

Re: Hey there !

Posted: 29 May 2011, 10:17
by Stoker
Who knows, maybe I will make it available for donators :D

Re: Hey there !

Posted: 29 May 2011, 10:19
by Dragosvr92
behh....... whats the minimum donation ammount?

Ohh.. any by the way, can we use the attachment thingy?
like when you move the cursor on the attachment, that box will slide...

Re: Hey there !

Posted: 29 May 2011, 10:29
by Stoker
You can use any mod you like here for free.
The support is also free.

Donations are also free :)
Nobody have to do it.

Re: Hey there !

Posted: 29 May 2011, 10:31
by Dragosvr92
Wat O.O
How can donations be free? you mean, you want us to donate Nothing? lmfao.....

Re: Hey there !

Posted: 29 May 2011, 10:38
by Stoker
Free of choice :)

Re: Hey there !

Posted: 29 May 2011, 10:40
by Dragosvr92
erm... yes, but we get the extra MODs if we make a small donaton, right?

Re: Hey there !

Posted: 29 May 2011, 11:30
by Stoker
Not necessarily.
Only if its available, which most of it will be at some point.

But do not donate to get something.
Donate because you want to support the site.