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Smilies Forum restored

Posted: 13 Jun 2011, 22:09
by Stoker
Hello :hi:

I managed to restore the Smilies forum: Smilies
This means that all downloads again is fully functional.


Smilies Forum restored

Posted: 25 Jul 2011, 08:35
by Stoker
And unfortunately they got lost again in the latest crash...

Smilies Forum restored

Posted: 25 Jul 2011, 12:03
by Neo
Noooooooooo :cry:

Smilies Forum restored

Posted: 26 Jul 2011, 16:59
by Stoker
Smiley forum restored once again.
All downloads is good and working :)

Smilies Forum restored

Posted: 26 Jul 2011, 17:16
by Neo
Yessss :thumb:

Smilies Forum restored

Posted: 26 Jul 2011, 18:31
by David1987
Thanks :)