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Notify by default

Posted: 26 Jul 2011, 18:58
by Stoker
Notify by default
Written by Stoker

When new users registeres, they are by default NOT notified when there is a reply to their post.
With one little codechange You can change that so new users by default will get notified when there is a reply to their post

Open includes/functions_user.php

Code: Select all

'user_notify'			=> 0,
Replace with:

Code: Select all

'user_notify'			=> 1,
Save and upload

Notify by default

Posted: 13 Jul 2012, 20:25
by Nully
I discover only today this useful code.
Is it only for new registered users or for all users ?
I would like it only for new ones.

Notify by default

Posted: 13 Jul 2012, 20:29
by Stoker
Its for new users only.

If you want it for existing users you have to go to your phpmyadmin to run this querie:

Code: Select all

UPDATE `phpbb_users` SET `user_notify` = 1 WHERE `user_type` <> 2 

Notify by default

Posted: 13 Jul 2012, 21:09
by Nully
I want it only for new ones.
Thanks, I go to insert the code :D

Notify by default

Posted: 15 Jul 2012, 07:56
by Blackwolf
Thanks....very handy snippet. :thumb:

Notify by default

Posted: 12 Aug 2013, 22:09
by techman41973
This MOD works great.
But I have a similar issue with Users getting notified of New PM's by default.
For new registrations on my board,
I want the following UCP setting, "Notify me on new private messages:"
to be set to YES by default.
I changed the following value to 1 in functions_user.php, but this didn't work.
'user_notify_pm' => 1,
For new registrations, "Notify me on new private messages:" is still set to NO by default.
Is there something else that could be conflicting with what I intend.

Notify by default

Posted: 13 Aug 2013, 06:09
by Stoker
On a default phpBB installation user_notify_pm is set to 1, which means that new users get notified on new PM.
So I dont really understand your question?