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Adsense BBCode I

Posted: 05 Mar 2010, 22:09
by BBCode Bot
[bg2ads][/bg2ads]PhpBB3 Adsense BBCode I

This phpBB3 Adsense BBCode inserts an Adsense block in the post.

Make money with Adsense


Code: Select all


Code: Select all

<div style="float:left; padding-right:20px;"><script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "pub-3346231937490093";
/* 120x600, oprettet 12-05-08 */
google_ad_slot = "0217989959";
google_ad_width = 120;
google_ad_height = 600;
<script type="text/javascript"

Code: Select all

Adsense: [bg2ads][/bg2ads]

Code: Select all


This post. Make sure You dont have an adblocker.
Even though You are free to use my adsense code, I recommend that You change it with Your own code :mrgreen:

Why use this Adsense BBCode?
I think it is a nice way to control which post should have an adsense ad.
It can be wisely posted in guides etc.
Hopefuly You will earn some money 8-)

Adding some extra text:
There are so many file types, and the web is incredibly accommodating. For each program you use to develop new information for your website there is a software application that allows you to publish that file on the web.

Portable Document Files (pdf), Word Documents (.doc) and many others are being integrated into standard site designs. Flash is often used to enhance the site with some pizzazz, but in each case the truth is just because you CAN put those files into your site design doesn’t mean you SHOULD put those file types into your site design.

For the purposes of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) the greater you can rely on text the better your site will perform in site rankings.

You see, the trouble with these files is most search engine spiders do not recognize them because they are not ‘text’ files. There are search engines that have become adept at indexing these files, but the majority of search engines do not recognize this content at all.

If you find yourself concerned with SEO techniques and their impact on site rankings then it may be worth your while to visit with your site developer to determine if there are areas where a .doc or .pdf file can be moved to text status to allow all pertinent content on your website to be considered by search engine spiders.

All content on your site should be systematically upgraded to match keywords or phrases that will further assist in SEO strategies. Site owners will routinely contract with freelance writers to revise content for consistent keywords or phrases throughout the site. This is done because as the website becomes more uniform and cohesive the search engines will begin to take notice.

Web development has always been one of the world’s great experiments. As techniques become more refined and search engine expectations alter so too can your approach to site design and SEO implementation.

Routinely sites are either completely overhauled or significantly altered in fewer than three years. The site that you have now will be antiquated in many ways in the not too distant future. This truth simply adds to the body of evidence that indicates the web is growing and the SEO and site design techniques are changing.

Keeping up with current trends may be difficult to manage, but the truth is it is in the best interest of the future of your firm. Others are using rapidly evolving techniques that are yielding real results. Yes, there is a learning curve, but the alternative is less than desirable for the long-term health of your online company.
