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Modding & Refreshing

Posted: 31 Jul 2011, 08:29
by Stoker
Modding & Refreshing
Written by Stoker

You have made some modifications to your phpBB3 style. You have uploaded the changed files but the changes doesn't appear!
Here is the solution, but first an explanation:

This guide is based on prosilver but it will cover all styles which are stored in the database.
The style is splitted in 3 folders:
  • Imageset
  • Template
  • Theme
When you edit files inside this folders and upload the changed files, you MUST make sure to refresh.
If you don't do this, the changes will not be visible.

Some screenshots with explanation:

Go to ACP and click the styles tab

In the menu to the left you will find Templates, Themes and Imagesets.


You have made some edits in one of your template files.
It is uploaded to the right location.
Now you need to refresh the Template
Click on the Templates link in the left menu.
Click on Refresh link next to the Template you want to refresh.


You have made some edits in one of your Theme files.
It is uploaded to the right location.
Now you need to refresh the Theme
Click on the Themes link in the left menu.
Click on Refresh link next to the Theme you want to refresh.
Click the Yes button to confirm.


You have made some edits in one of your Imageset files.
It is uploaded to the right location.
Now you need to refresh the Imageset
Click on the Imageset link in the left menu.
Click on Refresh link next to the Imageset you want to refresh.
Click the Yes button to confirm.

Purging cache

When editing php files or styles that are saved in the filesystem, you will need to purge cache.
You will find that option on the ACP frontpage.
Click on the Run now button and Yes to confirm.

Refresh browser

Some times it is necessary to refresh the browser cache for the css edits to be visible.
Try refreshing a couple of times or simply press CTRL+F5 on your keyboard.

Text Editor

When you make some modifications to your files it is very important to use a proper text editor that saves UTF8 without BOM.
I suggest you use Notepad++ which is free.