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Posted: 24 Aug 2011, 15:30
by themission
Hello again ;)
ive noticed today that when making a post on our site that none of the bbcodes work, no smilies or anything - if you type the code in yourself its fine though . we did have the mssti_abbc3 advanced mod installed but have now deleted it but still not working - i know it was working as installed the anipro which worked fine. what would stop all things working ? i aint got a clue ?


Posted: 24 Aug 2011, 15:48
by Vox Populi
If you uninstalled abbc3, (I did it too), you will need to go in and delete all of your self made BBCodes and put them in again.

Known flaw of abbc3.

Hope that helps.


Posted: 24 Aug 2011, 15:53
by themission
nothing works have a look i only added 4 theyre still there - all buttons are there, if you click image - text size etc nothing appears in the text area ?


Posted: 24 Aug 2011, 15:57
by Vox Populi
Did you delete and recreate your codes?

If that did not work, open up the xml file and go through each of your files to see if everything was put back where it should be. I'd start with anything that has to do with posting_buttons or posting_ANYTHING.


Posted: 24 Aug 2011, 16:08
by themission
Hmm no only as i have the premod phpbb installed - did cross my mind to do that and will give it a go, i guess i will have to double check the premod files too ;) had to reinstall it as somthing caused an error - will take another look later


Posted: 24 Aug 2011, 19:53
by themission
With the premod bbcode are the edits the same as the normal version ? would they conflict with the mssti_abbc3 advanced mod ? as ive looked but am stuck as to what to do - wish id gone to college now lol


Posted: 24 Aug 2011, 20:10
by Stoker
Well, the premod includes the BBCode Box light. It gives the same bbcode buttons like we have here and also the Custom BBCodes in a selext box.
I dont know mssti_abbc3, but make sure it is completely uninstalled.
To do that you will have to look at the install file.


Posted: 24 Aug 2011, 22:59
by themission
Well ok i can do that but, it will put me back to default - which is not the same as you / the premod has - so im in a lose /lose situation


Posted: 24 Aug 2011, 23:05
by Stoker
How can it be a lose/lose situation to completely uninstall the mssti_abbc3?
Just follow the guide how to install it, but remove it fron your files.
That is what is causing your problems.


Posted: 24 Aug 2011, 23:15
by martin123456
try this

download the premod and delete all the files in your root (keep/ files/images/config.php from your root) merge images from your root with premod images (to keep the currant images you have and then install :D

worked for me i have all premod bbcodes and all my own in the drop down box premod does not make any database changes from what i see.

You will end up with a new clean forum with no mods fresh files all posts and images and members in place i used stk to clean up the database of mods i had installed

always back up first