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Daylight saving time

Posted: 30 Oct 2011, 22:42
by Stoker
In some countries Daylight saving time is used.
In the spring we need to adjust our clock 1 hour forward.
In the autumn we need to adjust it 1 hour backwards.

We can do this in ACP under the Board settings.
But this only affects guests and people that registeres after we have changed this setting.
All our users will still be 1 hour off.

We can fix this by running a sql query in phpmyadmin.

Run this to disable Daylight saving time:

Code: Select all

UPDATE phpbb_users SET user_dst = '0' WHERE user_dst = '1' ;
Run this to enableDaylight saving time:

Code: Select all

UPDATE phpbb_users SET user_dst = '1' WHERE user_dst = '0' ;

Daylight saving time

Posted: 10 Feb 2013, 12:14
by Blackwolf
Thanks for this. Implemented.....just need to remember to do it twice a year.

Daylight saving time

Posted: 10 Feb 2013, 13:12
by Stoker
There is mod for this with acp control. Its on