Welcome on custom page
Posted: 01 Nov 2011, 14:40
I have just created a custom page and would like the welcome mod on it here is what i done so far
i took the the code for styles/prosilver/template/index_body.html (the install code)
and placed it on my custom page html file and it works to a point but i cant get it to pull the rest of the data that is needed any hints in the right direction would be cool i guess it would be easy to do if there was files that come with the welcome mod but it dont so thats that lol
here is how it looks right now
and here is how it should look
take a peek here http://phpbbcodes.dyndns.org/ its only where i play with mods
i took the the code for styles/prosilver/template/index_body.html (the install code)
Code: Select all
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<span><!-- IF S_USER_LOGGED_IN -->{LAST_VISIT_DATE}<br />{CURRENT_TIME}<!-- ELSE -->{CURRENT_TIME}<!-- ENDIF --><!-- IF S_USER_LOGGED_IN --><br /><br />{S_JOINED_DATE}<br />{MEMBER_FOR}<!-- ENDIF --></span>
<dd class="lastpost" style="padding:5px; width:36%;"><span>{TOTAL_POSTS} • {TOTAL_TOPICS}<br />{TOTAL_USERS}<br />{NEWEST_USER}
<span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span></div></div>
<!-- ENDIF -->
here is how it looks right now
and here is how it should look
take a peek here http://phpbbcodes.dyndns.org/ its only where i play with mods