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Beta testers for new version needed

Posted: 07 Nov 2011, 00:46
by Stoker
Hey guys :hi:

I need some people to beta test the new version of the top stats mod.
I have it running bug free on a test board.

The new version has umil installer, ACP enable/disable functions and configuration of number of topics displayed.
The recent active part has jsscroll option.

Beta testers are able to install the mod without help.
This is not a support topic.
You will have to test the mod with automod and offcourse test the mods functions.

Thanks in advance ;)
Version 1.0.2 for testing
(189.59 KiB) Downloaded 174 times

Beta testers for new version needed

Posted: 07 Nov 2011, 00:57
by Stoker
Crap! Not all files were included.
Please download again.

Beta testers for new version needed

Posted: 07 Nov 2011, 01:15
by shadowsansa
I' am installed mods,great and good function :)

Beta testers for new version needed

Posted: 07 Nov 2011, 01:50
by Terr0r
@ Stoker you says you was forgot some files in to the zip but I see no difference between the first one and this one

I have it installed on my test forum but noting happens whit the Recent Active Topics

I had 2 times jquery in my overall_header.html
this one <script src="{ROOT_PATH}script/jquery-1.4.4.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
and this one <script src="{ROOT_PATH}script/jquery-1.6.4.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
so I have delete the <script src="{ROOT_PATH}script/jquery-1.4.4.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> from my overall_header.html but noting is happend whit the Recent Active Topics

Beta testers for new version needed

Posted: 07 Nov 2011, 02:02
by Stoker
You also have 1.5.2
That leaves you with 3 x jquery
I just dont understand you Terr0r. You have been told only to include jquery once so many times + it is written in the install file as a comment.
Where the hell is your learning ability?!?

I wrote in first topic:
Stoker wrote:Beta testers are able to install the mod without help.
But hey! Here you are messing up as usual!
This topic was not for me helping you. It was for you to help me testing the mod.
You cant install a mod, then dont betatest please!

If you dont want to delete 1.5.2 then delete 1.6.4

Beta testers for new version needed

Posted: 07 Nov 2011, 02:38
by martin123456
installs perfect via auto mod very sweet

only one thing i would like to mention is i thought it was decided that jquery 1.6.4 was poop ?

Beta testers for new version needed

Posted: 07 Nov 2011, 02:40
by Stoker
When submitting mods on latest jquery must be used.

Beta testers for new version needed

Posted: 07 Nov 2011, 02:40
by Terr0r
I think I have found a bug I have take a look good but it is not possible to disable the Recent Active Topics part

I have only jquery 1.5.2 in my overall header there change not what is I don't now

and Yes I it is told many times I can used 1 jquery file not more I have it that now but noting works

I will look farther what the problem is

Greets Terr0r

Beta testers for new version needed

Posted: 07 Nov 2011, 04:25
by martin123456
I confirm what stoker has posted i set up a new clean board and added the top stats mod it works i then added mchat then it died i removed the jquery mchat adds and it all works again


Beta testers for new version needed

Posted: 07 Nov 2011, 09:09
by Stoker
A couple of bugs were fixed. Please redownload and upload files.

Update instructions
Open styles/porsilver/template/index_body.html

Code: Select all

<!-- INCLUDE recent_active_body.html -->
Replace with:

Code: Select all

<!-- INCLUDE recent_active_body.html -->
<!-- ENDIF -->