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Posted: 02 Dec 2011, 20:22
by Silent

I like this modification and I plan on using it on my upcoming forum. Although I have one question. Is it possible to get the most recent(active, viewed, etc.) from a certain board?

For example; My forum will consist of hidden boards. Wouldn't the the topics in the hidden board be shown on the modification?

Is there a way I can target only certain boards?


Posted: 02 Dec 2011, 20:23
by doktornotor
No, only topics you have permissions to view are shown.


Posted: 02 Dec 2011, 20:24
by Silent
doktornotor wrote:No, only topics you have permissions to view are shown.
Really? So I don't have to worry about users viewing topics they are not suppose to view?


Posted: 02 Dec 2011, 20:26
by doktornotor
It is absolutely trivial to test when logged on vs. visiting as guest.


Posted: 02 Dec 2011, 20:29
by Silent
Well, I don't mind testing both aspect. I just want to make sure that this modification do not show threads that shouldn't be viewed by certain groups on the board. That's all.


Posted: 02 Dec 2011, 20:31
by doktornotor
As said, go and test it yourself.


Posted: 02 Dec 2011, 20:33
by Silent
doktornotor wrote:As said, go and test it yourself.
Thanks. I'll test it soon.


Posted: 02 Dec 2011, 20:58
by Stoker
As the doktor said, permissions are respected.
No need to worry ;)

But its alwways a good idea to test such things yourself. I know I do :)


Posted: 02 Dec 2011, 21:20
by Silent
Stoker wrote:As the doktor said, permissions are respected.
No need to worry ;)

But its alwways a good idea to test such things yourself. I know I do :)
Thanks for the heads up Stoker! I will definitely be adding this soon. :)