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[MODDB] Red Blinking PM

Posted: 05 Dec 2011, 04:15
by all4phone
Custom support is given at this forum

ACP Testing Area

Modification Name: Red Blinking PM MOD
Author: all4phone

Modification Description: Displays the number of new PM in the navbar, in any colour chosen by Administrator, additionaly number and text is blinking, default is red - possibility of many changes in the ACP (font, text, background, colours, size, blur, shadow, variant, spacing, transform, decoration,transparency).

Special thanks to Pico88, who helped me to perform the modules installation and configuration for v 0.1.0 of MOD.
I dedicate this MOD to my brother-in-law, Masal, which can not see this anymore ...

Author notes:
This MOD has been tested successfully with the following browsers:
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Opera
  • Chrome
  • Internet Explore
  • Opera Mini (mobile)

Modification Version: 1.0.10
phpBB: 3.0.12
phpBB topic: ... king_pm_2/
Installation level: Easy
Installation time: ~10 minutes

Available languages​​:
  • English
  • Polish
Styles supported:
  • prosilver
  • subsilver2
  • Number of new PM is blinking (enable/disable in ACP).
  • Words "new message" or "new messages" gives a link to the PM inbox, the number of messages is not a link. To go to the new PM must use the words link.
  • Possibility change font style (italic) or/and font weight (bold).
  • Possibility to change the colour of the number new PM (select any colour by popup color picker or write by hand in textarea, use hexidecimal colour codes eg. FF0000).
  • Possibility to change font-family and font-size.
  • Possibility to add tekst-shadow and text-shadow-blur.
  • Possibility to change text-shadow colour (select any colour by color picker or write by hand in textarea, use hexidecimal colour codes eg. 000000).
  • In ACP "Color Picker" for colour selection.
  • Possibility enable blinking and formating of texts "new message" "new messages" (independent of the number PM).
  • Possibility to set many options for background blinking number of new PM and of texts "new message" "new messages" (colour, border, radius).
  • Possibility to set many formating options for text shadow (horizontal, vertical, size, colour) and blur (size, colour).
  • Possibility to set many formating options for font and text (variant, spacing, transform, decoration).
  • Help system in ACP.
  • Background transparency for news about the new PM (1 new message), 0 to 100% (readout selection for the background color in the RGB system, needed to create a background transparency).
  • Possibility to set color of number and text for unread messages.
  • Added tabs to switch between settings in ACP module.
  • Possibility enable showing unread PM on index board.
  • Possibility on/off blinking unread PM on index board.

Screenshots: screenshots

[spoiler=Subsilver2 - Installation Guide]Installation guide for Subsilver2 style ( by AutoMod )

Go to ACP and on the AUTOMOD tab upload a zipped MOD package. AutoMOD will then attempt to unzip the file and have it ready for installation.
Run the installer
- Actions -> install -> install (to copy files and make edits)
On the next screen -> The MOD requires an external installer to finish installation. Click here to continue to that step. - > Submit (do not select the version) -> Yes
If you see "Red Blinking PM - Success" go back to AutoMod (Admin index -> Automod tab) and from "Installed MODs" list select "Red Blinkink PM -> Details"
find Available Changes: "Red Blinking PM - Subsilver2 (Install this MOD)" and click on it, this will allow for execution of editing and copying new files
Then go to Styles tab -> Style components -> Refresh (Templates, Themes, Imagesets) -> Yes
Go to General tab -> Purge the cache -> Run now -> Yes
And finally go to MODs tab -> Red Blinking PM -> Configuration -> enable and set the Red Blinking PM MOD[/spoiler]

Installation level: Easy
Installation time: ~5 minutes

Note: Red Blinking PM MOD uses the jQuery library. It is your responsibility to ensure adding this MOD does not cause any conflicts with other jQuery related MODs on your board. jQuery should never be included on a page more than once.

If you have installed on your board other modifications that use the jQuery library also, such as mChat MOD, Social Network MOD and others:
after installation is complete (and You have a problem with blinking information about new PM - eg no blinking):

Open styles/prosilver/template/overall_header.html
Find and just remove this code:

Code: Select all

<script type="text/javascript" src="{T_SUPER_TEMPLATE_PATH}/jquery-1.7.2.min.js"></script>
Download: download area

[RC] Red Blinking PM

Posted: 23 Mar 2012, 06:21
by all4phone
Updated to v 1.0.5

[RC] Red Blinking PM

Posted: 23 Mar 2012, 14:45
by Vox Populi
Thanks for update. Will try it out. It appears to be pretty robust. How tough is this on the DB (queries)?

[RC] Red Blinking PM

Posted: 23 Mar 2012, 20:47
by Stoker
Vox Populi wrote:Thanks for update. Will try it out. It appears to be pretty robust. How tough is this on the DB (queries)?
It only calls the config table which allready is queried.

[RC] Red Blinking PM

Posted: 24 Mar 2012, 14:47
by Vox Populi
Ahhh.. k. I did try it out but I still am not sure if it's what I want. You can code just a red number in to draw your attention to the pm. I have so many mods installed and probably best to not use it even though a snippet is a mod per se'.

[RC] Red Blinking PM

Posted: 25 Mar 2012, 04:49
by all4phone
Stoker wrote:0
It only calls the config table which allready is queried.
yes, exactly
I did try it out but I still am not sure if it's what I want. You can code just a red number in to draw your attention to the pm.
mod is fully configurable, but yes you can try only this if you need ;)

Open: language/en/common.php

Code: Select all

'NEW_PM'					=> '<strong>%d</strong> new message',
	'NEW_PMS'					=> '<strong>%d</strong> new messages',
Replace with:

Code: Select all

'NEW_PM'					=> '<strong style="color:#ff0000">%d</strong> new message',
	'NEW_PMS'					=> '<strong style="color:#ff0000">%d</strong> new messages',

[RC] Red Blinking PM

Posted: 18 Apr 2012, 21:24
by all4phone
Updated to v 1.0.7

- available subsilver2 style
- fixed few bugs
- new download

Note: to install v 1.0.7 you have to uninstall older versions, no update available !

[RC] Red Blinking PM

Posted: 10 May 2012, 05:10
by all4phone
Updated to v 1.0.8

- changed rbpm.css file
- new download

Note: to install v 1.0.8 you have to uninstall older versions, no update available !

[RC] Red Blinking PM

Posted: 13 Jul 2012, 21:13
by all4phone
Red Blinking PM v 1.0.8
This MOD has been released to the MODDB.

[MODDB] Red Blinking PM

Posted: 14 Jul 2012, 03:18
by all4phone
Mod updated to v 1.0.9

- Fixed some known bugs (among others background displaying).
- Added language Polish
- Minor fixes in files: acp_rbpm.html, rbpm.css, info_acp_rbpm_help.php, acp_rbpm.php
- Added update files v 1.0.8 to 1.0.9 (subsilver2 also)
- Adjustment to phpBB 3.0.11