BBcode For Dummies
Posted: 06 Mar 2010, 10:01
BBcode For Dummies
Author: Earni
Description: With the BBcode For Dummie you can post text on the cover of a 'for idiots' book.
[dummy]Learn how to make bbcodes/How to Make bbcodes/Over 300 bbcodes and still counting/By Earni[/dummy]
Author: Earni
Description: With the BBcode For Dummie you can post text on the cover of a 'for idiots' book.
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
<div style="text-align:center;"><embed src="" FlashVars="h={SIMPLETEXT1}&t={SIMPLETEXT2}&b={SIMPLETEXT3}&a={SIMPLETEXT4}&d=&myw=401.9&myh=505.2" quality="high" wmode="transparent" width="409.9" height="513.2" name="For Dummies" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="samedomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" /></div>
Code: Select all
[dummy]header text/title text/bubble text/authored by[/dummy]
Code: Select all
[dummy]Learn how to make bbcodes/How to Make bbcodes/Over 300 bbcodes and still counting/By Earni[/dummy]
[dummy]Learn how to make bbcodes/How to Make bbcodes/Over 300 bbcodes and still counting/By Earni[/dummy]