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[MODDB] User Status Image or Text

Posted: 27 Dec 2011, 23:21
by all4phone
Custom support is given at this forum

Modification Name: User Status Image or Text
Author: all4phone

Modification Description: Display the user status image or text (online, offline, banned) in Post Profile, Profile, View PM, Memberlist and on The Team page.

phpBB topic: ... &t=2146366

Modification Version: 1.2.3
phpBB: 3.0.12

Installation level: Easy
Installation time: ~2 minutes

Credit: DoYouSpeakWak and Stoker for the idea, 4_seven for sharing online status code on The Team page, RMcGirr83 and A_O_C for the ban status code.

Features :
  1. Enable/disable MOD in ACP.
  2. Displays the user status online, offline, banned (image or text) in Post Profile, Profile View, View PM, Memberlist.
  3. Choice (in ACP) text or image for showing user status.
  4. Possibility to choose image for user status in ACP (available 10).
  5. Preview (enabled) images for user status in ACP.
  6. Choice (in ACP) on/off "Status display" (independent) in the Post Profiles, User Profiles, View PM, Memberlist.
  7. Displays the user status online, offline, banned (image or text) on Memberlist
  8. Displays the user status online, offline, banned (image or text) on View PM
  9. Displays the user status online, offline (image or text) on The Team page
Available languages​​:
  • English
  • Spanish (thanks Raul [ThE KuKa])
  • French (thanks FranckTH)
  • Italian (thanks salvocortesiano)
  • Polish
Available styles​​:
  • prosilver
  • subsilver2

Screenshots: screenshots

[spoiler=How to add own status images ?]How to add own status images ?

1. Before installation mod:
- uncompress .zip archive (User Status Image or
- prepare your own images in *.png format (16 by 16 px)
- name your images as:
(first set)
* on_1.png
* off_1.png
* ban_1.png
(second set)
* on_2.png
* off_2.png
* ban_2.png
and so on ... (You can prepare max 10 sets of)
- place (replace) pictures in the package installation:
contrib/images/onoffban/ directory and re-compress main directory of MOD (User Status Image or text_1.1.0) in .zip format
Now you can start the installation with your own images :)

2. If you have installed mod:
- prepare your own images in *.png format (16 by 16 px)
- name your images as:
(first set)
* on_1.png
* off_1.png
* ban_1.png
(second set)
* on_2.png
* off_2.png
* ban_2.png
and so on ... (You can prepare max 10 sets of)
- send (and replace) all new images to the server, to root/adm/images/onoffban/ directory
- refresh your styles in ACP
Enjoy of your own status images :)[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Installation Guide - Subsilver2]Installation Guide - Subsilver2 :

1) By automod:
- Go to ACP and install User Status Image or Text
- Then go to -> AutoMOD tab -> Details -> Available Changes -> User Status Image or Text - Subsilver2 (Install this MOD)

2) Manually:
- follow the instructions in the subsilver2.xml file contained in contrib directory of MOD archive[/spoiler]

ACP test: ACP Testing Area
Demo: Demo topic
Demo Username: tester
Demo Password: 123456
Download: downloading area

[RC] User Status Image or Text

Posted: 27 Dec 2011, 23:47
by darkonia
great work thx

[RC] User Status Image or Text

Posted: 05 Jan 2012, 06:36
by all4phone
Update to v 1.0.1:

Mod checked/tested on newest phpbb 3.0.10 version.

[RC] User Status Image or Text

Posted: 05 Mar 2012, 14:50
by all4phone
Mod updated to [RC] v 1.1.0.

- new download
- new features
- new screen's

(for details see main post)

[RC] User Status Image or Text

Posted: 10 Mar 2012, 01:07
by all4phone
Mod updated to [RC] v 1.1.1

- new download
- new features
- new screen's

(for details see main post)

[RC] User Status Image or Text

Posted: 21 Mar 2012, 21:16
by Jessica
really good mod, like all the images you can use

[RC] User Status Image or Text

Posted: 26 Mar 2012, 01:00
by all4phone
Jessica wrote:really good mod, like all the images you can use
Thanks, default 10, easy you can change to your own images:
FAQ - How to add own status images ?

[RC] User Status Image or Text

Posted: 31 Mar 2012, 12:27
by all4phone
Updated to v 1.1.2

- added user permissions for Registered and Newly Registered users (that they can see online status on memberlist)

[RC] User Status Image or Text

Posted: 15 Apr 2012, 07:07
by all4phone
Updated to v 1.1.3

- Added: status Online/Offline on The Team page.
- Fixed: small display bugs in memberlist_body.html (prosilver and subsilver2) file.
- Fixed: hard coded language in acp_rbpm.html file.
- Update: prosilver and subsilver2 instruction.

- new download
- new screenshots
- demo

[RC] User Status Image or Text

Posted: 14 Jul 2012, 03:41
by all4phone
mod updated to v 1.1.5