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Strange ACP Settings [SOLVED]

Posted: 01 Jan 2012, 13:02
by Blackwolf
I had ...
1. Resynchronise statistics
2. Resynchronise post counts
3. Resynchronise dotted topics....just trying to tidy things up a bit.

Now the view in ACP for the forum goals is messed up. I think this had something to do with it as I was only working with the settings a few hours ago & the options were quite legible then.

I have 1.0.3 installed & have rechecked all edits.....any clues? ideas? :oops:

Strange ACP Settings

Posted: 01 Jan 2012, 13:06
by doktornotor
Well, you apparently are missing the edits in language/en/acp/board.php - go check again. :P

Strange ACP Settings

Posted: 01 Jan 2012, 13:11
by Blackwolf
doktornotor wrote:Well, you apparently are missing the edits in language/en/acp/board.php - go check again. :P
It was missing in language/en_us/acp/board.php :)

:P to you too.

Happy New Year. ;)

(had to change 'legend4' => 'FORUM_GOALS_SETTINGS',
'legend5' => 'FORUM_GOALS_SETTINGS', to show Forum Goal Settings in ACP)