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New project mod

Posted: 11 Jan 2012, 14:43
by slash
I'm looking for someone expert in php and mod for phpbb to make.

I'd like to make a mod that allows to create a phpbb hosting images service. but i am noob with php :cry:

Im started with this plug in: but is to difficult for me integrate this on phpbb and I would like to develop the mod with someone more expert than me.

Thank you!

New project mod

Posted: 11 Jan 2012, 21:26
by Stoker
PM Terr0r. I know he is looking for a great mod to develop.

New project mod

Posted: 11 Jan 2012, 21:28
by darkonia
nobody needs another image hosting mod...

New project mod

Posted: 11 Jan 2012, 22:35
by slash
If you don't like you will don't use it dark! ;)

New project mod

Posted: 11 Jan 2012, 22:42
by mobius
mind if I ask what it will be for? it looks nice but I do not see how phpbb3 needs it (apart from the no database) . I don't understand what it is the mod will do basically.

the phpbb3 gallery mod is ok for most internal image hosting and then there is which has a very good phpbb3 bridge that allows your users to have their own galleries. It has lots it's own plugins and stuff. for just a free image hosting service, there are already so many good ones.

I have personally used the phpbb3 / coppermine 1.5 combo. it is actually really good and bridging is easy. both are solid platforms that are very good at what they do.