Compatibility with other styles?

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Compatibility with other styles?

Post by Savant »

Do you have any input with regard to installing this mod into other styles? The other styles I have supposedly have 'inheritance' from prosilver and can thus run any mod that prosilver/subsilver can. What the developers of them said was: "When doing edits remember that the style files for each style are inherited from the base phpbb3 parent style. Most phpbb3 mods modify a mix of files and sometimes those files are only in the base style parent dirs.

The rule is if the files to be modified are not in the specific style dir is to make a copy of the file that needs the edit, place it in the specific styles dir and do the edits there. This keeps the inheritance in place and keeps the modification from affecting any other styles installed in phpbb3."

Thanks in advance.
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Compatibility with other styles?

Post by Stoker »

The explanation you have got sound good. I cant do it any better :)

Its very simple. Do all the edits to prosilver and do all the prosilver edits to the other styles you have installed.
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Compatibility with other styles?

Post by Savant »

Would you happen to know if this MOD will work on 3.0.8?
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Compatibility with other styles?

Post by Stoker »

It should work fine on 3.0.8
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Compatibility with other styles?

Post by Savant »

Ok, I realize this is probably an irretrievably noobish question, but here goes. The first file to copy Copy: root/adm/style/acp_topstats.html
To: adm/style/acp_topstats.html

Obviously this doesn't already exist in the adm/style dir. I'm trying to drag and drop it from local to remote thru filezilla, then upload through cpanel utility, and it's not letting me. I tried to copy the file but it doesn't give me a paste option in the file manager... I don't know why... any input? It's displaying on my PC as a "firefox document", I don't know why, or if that's relevant, but I thought I'd include that detail in case it mattered. Any advice? Thanks in advance
Last edited by Savant on 21 Jan 2012, 21:45, edited 1 time in total.
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Compatibility with other styles?

Post by mobius »

in filezilla do you need to start the transfer queue? should be on the tabs on the bottom, queued files or something.

local, where the files is/ remote where you want it go then drag and drop or right click/upload /add to queue /process queue? refresh the remote directory?

firefox document probably means firefox is the default handler for the document type. if you cannot copy to that remote directory and have tried all logical and reasonable methods correctly then you probably have a permissions issue, and the best thing for that would be used the tools provided by cpanel, if any, or open a ticket with your provider.
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Compatibility with other styles?

Post by Savant »

AWESOME! Thanks a ton. Sorry to be an advice groupie, but do you know where this anomalous root/images/*.*
file is? I'm not finding it in the install files, nor am I finding the root/script/*.*
file... I'm sorry I'm such a web development noob and I really appreciate you guys' patience...

Also, I'm installing these into custom styles. So with the Copy: root/styles/prosilver/template/*.*
To: styles/prosilver/template/*.* item would I just rename that file to the name of my style, and place it in the analogous dir within that style? What would you suggest?
Last edited by Savant on 16 Jan 2012, 18:15, edited 1 time in total.
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Compatibility with other styles?

Post by mobius »

ok, on your webserver your ROOT can be two things and the same thing. your main root directory which is usually whatever is inside your public_html folder. it is you top level folder.

then you have your forum root. this is where the forum looks for certain files based on the way it is coded. your forum root is the main folder where your forum is located. if your forum is in your webservers root then they are the same thing.

when automod copies folders from a mod it copies likes this




now when you go to your forum root there is a new folder called scripts with a file in it called somefile.html
if you are doing things manually you might have to create the folder yourself. if the folder exists then you just merge the contents.

it it did this


you would go to you styles/prosilver/template/ folder and find a new directory called newfolder with whatever files are in it.

when you see this *.* is means copy it is copying all the files in that folder. NOT FOLDERS, files. that is all it means, if the folder only contains files, but more than one, instead of naming them all you use a wildcard *.* and they all get copied.
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Compatibility with other styles?

Post by Savant »

Doh! Automod? I don't even have automod, or really know how it works... I was just doing it manually and was giong to copy files and then alter the code on notepad++ Am I going to have to download/install this automod thing before I can do this right???

Also, I'm installing these into custom styles. So with the Copy: root/styles/prosilver/template/*.*
To: styles/prosilver/template/*.* item would I just rename that file to the name of my style, and place it in the analogous dir within that style? What would you suggest?
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Compatibility with other styles?

Post by mobius »

just use automod? this explains it well enough

get it here

read this to understand better if you want to do it manually.

with template inheritance you install for prosilver like normal then apply the RELEVANT change to your other active styles. with automod you can do this automatically by clicking in the installed mod and at the bottom it has an option to apply it to other styles. Manually? it is usually a case of cloning over ( i.e copy and paste) any overall_header/footer.html edits the mods needs to your other styles.

the thing about automod is that it relies on using the FIND to apply edits, other mods can change those finds so you get errors when installing a mod.