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Witch mod is this?

Posted: 27 Jan 2012, 15:17
by amour

I am new here.
I have a question...
whitch mod is this here in the board in the editor``??(i mean in the editor stands phpbb3 bbcodes)
how does this work?
Can you please descripe it??
And please a example?

Witch mod is this?

Posted: 27 Jan 2012, 15:38
by mobius
if you mean this
27-01-2012 13-38-09.png
then this is it


Witch mod is this?

Posted: 05 Mar 2012, 00:25
by amour

thanks but it iĀ“snt that...

i mean this:

the phpbb3 bbcodes logo inside the editor

Witch mod is this?

Posted: 05 Mar 2012, 06:10
by Solidjeuh