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Posted: 02 Feb 2012, 13:29
by CaptainVimes
Hi Guys,

Thought I better come and say hi, as I registered after all :D

I'm a 36 year old Mum of two children, my Daughter will be 13 in August :o (she has been a "teenager" for about 3 years already, so I am pretty prepared for the worst case scenario! :D ) and my Son will be 10 in July. (geesh time flies) We live with my Fiancé and a house-full of pets. (I'll go into further detail about this if asked, not sure anyone will be interested though)

I have my own forum, I created it in 2005, but we've had to restart 3 times now, and I chose phpBB3 as my final installation, not happy with the fact you can't just "add to group" and all permissions will be set for each user, (it's that simple in smf) but I'm happy with the rest of what phpBB3 offers me, well at least my host's version of it anyway, I have noticed a few differences between my set up and the one that is "standard" so my hosts must have tweaked it...

The plus side of being with my host, is that they do the backups, the upgrades, and all the other fiddly bits behind the scenes. The downside is that I don't have access to my css, I cannot install mods, and I cannot back up every day like I used to, they do a backup every week. They also seem to know very little about the actual phpBB software either, I asked them if I could change the rule where new members cannot edit their profile until they have 10 posts, and they didn't know: A. Where the option was and B. How to change the option if it was even available.

There have been other instances where I have asked specific questions with regard to the software and they've not been able to answer. (you'd think that they would make themselves familiar with it, as they are being paid to host my board for me)

When I said that for the money I am paying them to host my board, I thought I would be able to request mods for my installation, and do a daily back up myself.. but they said I need specific specialised hosting to be able to do that. I doubt I could afford that even if I found it.

Anyway, the reason I have joined here is because I need support help for one of the BBCodes that I put on my forum. I can't find where I need to post, could someone please direct me to the correct place?

Best wishes


PS. I DIDN'T MEAN to just click on the Moderator Panel, so please don't tell me off! :P


Posted: 02 Feb 2012, 15:58
by Vox Populi
Welcome aboard. So, you want to be a moderator? <BIG GRIN>.


Posted: 02 Feb 2012, 18:49
by CaptainVimes
lol nope, I am poorly, and I tried to click on radio to see what it did, and I clicked on moderator thingy instead, completely un-intentional. heheh :)


Posted: 04 Feb 2012, 13:47
by Stoker
Hello Mum and welcome :)


Posted: 16 Feb 2012, 18:20
by Nully
Hello Captain Mum,
you'll be ok here.
To have help for BBcodes you could tell which one you're looking for.
Some are in the archives, others only for Vip members (you can be one) :D
Many others are here.


Posted: 17 Feb 2012, 07:22
by webmaster
Welcome Captain Mum to the phpBB3BBcodes Forum..!! Be regular and keep posting..!!