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Recent / Active topics

Posted: 12 Feb 2012, 17:55
by Solidjeuh
I noticed that there is something wrong with my recent / Active topics at the top of my forum.
Scroll is working file, But as you can see on the screenshot, The bottom is not showing completely..
Any idea what could be the problem please?


Recent / Active topics

Posted: 12 Feb 2012, 18:56
by Solidjeuh
nvm, found it ..

row_height : '43px',
In overal_header

It seems that it's diffrent in Firefox 10, Firefox 9 and Internet Explorer.. lol
Hight changes in those browsers :)

Recent / Active topics

Posted: 13 Feb 2012, 01:03
by Rhyno
Correct i had to adjust mine also, it actually says that in the install.xml :)