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Simple Back to Top Scroll

Posted: 08 Mar 2012, 19:46
by mikef35
This is a simple JQUERY that adds a Back to TOP icon at the bottom right of your forum.
Prosilver SE Style
Open Overall_Header.php and find

Code: Select all

<script type="text/javascript" src="{T_SUPER_TEMPLATE_PATH}/forum_fn.js"></script>
Add Below

Code: Select all

<script type="text/javascript" src="{ROOT_PATH}script/scrolltopcontrol.js"></script>
Add the attached image to your Root images folder
up.png (1.32 KiB) Viewed 5848 times
or use this one "I got this one from a user on different forum. Thanks - Blackwolf_Oz
up.png (5.39 KiB) Viewed 5760 times
Unpack and add the attached JQUERY Script to your Root Script Folder, if you don't have script folder just make one or edit the code.
(1.52 KiB) Downloaded 582 times
Clear Cache and Refresh templates then ctl+F5 Browser

Simple Back to Top Scroll

Posted: 08 Mar 2012, 20:00
by Nully
Very funny! I could not find it in the demo.. It is at the right of my screen :D

Simple Back to Top Scroll

Posted: 08 Mar 2012, 20:15
by mikef35
Nully wrote:Very funny! I could not find it in the demo.. It is at the right of my screen :D

Really!!! :eggs

Yes, it is working on the demo, you must scroll down for it to appear. 8-)

Simple Back to Top Scroll

Posted: 08 Mar 2012, 21:15
by martin123456
Thought il point this out but it's already been turned into a mod check it here this is the one i use.

Simple Back to Top Scroll

Posted: 08 Mar 2012, 21:22
by mikef35
Not the same. But still works- I like this one because it is simple and keeps the icon tucked off to the right.

Simple Back to Top Scroll

Posted: 09 Mar 2012, 11:18
by Nully
mikef35 wrote:
Really!!! :eggs

Yes, it is working on the demo, you must scroll down for it to appear. 8-)
Yes, really :o
It works. What I found funny is that I was looking at the image at the bottom of the forum and it is on the right.

Simple Back to Top Scroll

Posted: 09 Mar 2012, 15:51
by juango
you should at least give credit to the site where the files are from:

Simple Back to Top Scroll

Posted: 09 Mar 2012, 21:13
by RMcGirr83
mikef35 wrote: Add Below

Code: Select all

<script type="text/javascript" src="{ROOT_PATH}script/scrolltopcontrol.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Is wrong. Why type="text/javascript" twice?
juango wrote:you should at least give credit to the site where the files are from:
FWIW, I completely agree.

Simple Back to Top Scroll

Posted: 09 Mar 2012, 21:44
by mikef35
juango wrote:you should at least give credit to the site where the files are from:
Thanks for adding that, I had no idea where it originated from. I had a friend send it to me. So yes they should be credited with the script. You should not jump on someone until you know the deal.