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Hello PhpBB3 BBCodes

Posted: 15 Mar 2012, 20:20
Hello PhpBB3 BBCodes,
I really like the look of this forum!
Can I just ask, is this forum permanently closing in 15/16 days time? or is it only temporary closing?

Hello PhpBB3 BBCodes

Posted: 15 Mar 2012, 21:40
by martin123456
Welcome and that's the million dollar question who knows what will happen.

Hello PhpBB3 BBCodes

Posted: 15 Mar 2012, 22:35
by Stoker

Hello PhpBB3 BBCodes

Posted: 16 Mar 2012, 20:07
Thanks for the quick welcomes Stoker and Bl4d3 x

Hello PhpBB3 BBCodes

Posted: 17 Mar 2012, 22:40
by all4phone
COASTERFRECK wrote: Can I just ask, is this forum permanently closing in 15/16 days time? or is it only temporary closing?
I think it will be Stoker's April Fools Day :D , am I right ?

Hello PhpBB3 BBCodes

Posted: 21 Mar 2012, 20:58
I hope it an April Fools joke, Because this is a brilliant forum!

Hello PhpBB3 BBCodes

Posted: 21 Mar 2012, 21:01
by Jessica
probably is a April Fool's joke, seeing as in 10 days it's April 1...

Hello PhpBB3 BBCodes

Posted: 14 May 2012, 14:07
by webmaster
Welcome t0 phpbb3bbcodes Forum..!!