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Masked subjects [resolved]

Posted: 02 May 2012, 19:57
by vin91

sorry for my English, I use google translation.

I would like some hidden forums topics in "recent active topics"
I find a topic on your forum that talks about it, but unfortunately it concerns an old version of your mod.
How please?

Thank you in advance;)

Masked subjects

Posted: 03 May 2012, 16:02
by Stoker
I think the edits are the same. Have you tried them?

Masked subjects

Posted: 03 May 2012, 19:00
by vin91
Yes I try
The topic in question is: topic ID 1542
Stoker wrote:Open includes/functions_top_stats.php

Find: AND t.topic_approved
Inline, After add: AND t.forum_id <> 11
11 is the ID of the forum.
includes / functions_top_stats.php
this line does not appear AND t.topic_approved or even a line that looks like.

Masked subjects

Posted: 04 May 2012, 07:20
by Stoker
Open includes/functions_top_stats.php

Code: Select all

if (!empty($config['tsrat_enable']) && sizeof($flist))
Replace with:

Code: Select all

if (!empty($config['tsrat_enable']))

Code: Select all

WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('t.forum_id', $flist) . ' AND t.topic_moved_id = 0
Replace with:

Code: Select all

WHERE  t.topic_moved_id = 0 AND t.topic_approved = 1

Masked subjects

Posted: 04 May 2012, 18:29
by vin91
Thank you very much it works :)
for : phpBB 3.0.10
I just add on the same line t.forum_id AND <> 59 after WHERE t.topic_moved_id = 0 AND 1 = t.topic_approved

which gives:
WHERE t.topic_moved_id t.topic_approved t.forum_id = 1 AND <> 14

And here's how to exclude several forums:

WHERE t.topic_moved_id t.topic_approved t.forum_id = 1 AND <> 14 AND t.forum_id <> 23 AND t.forum_id <> 28 ...

Still grieve for my english ^ ^
Thank you again;)