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How to add collapse categorize to this MOD

Posted: 05 Jun 2012, 14:22
by jabhi
I am using collapse categories, Any way to add this to the MOD ? Thanks. :oops:

How to add collapse categorize to this MOD

Posted: 05 Jun 2012, 14:43
by themission
Which mod ? - Ahh top stats - there should be a link on here somewhere
viewtopic.php?f=49&t=1955&p=12441&hilit ... pse#p12440

How to add collapse categorize to this MOD

Posted: 05 Jun 2012, 16:50
by jabhi
Thanks, Let me try....

How to add collapse categorize to this MOD

Posted: 06 Jun 2012, 09:00
by jabhi
collapse expand for top stats plz help *

That code worked for me after changing some code from forumlist_body.html to index_body.html