Portal text
Posted: 16 Jun 2012, 00:13
Hello guys. I've been trying to edit the Portal text (original: Lorem Ipsum... etc.)
But I'm not really good with HTML honestly. I've tried my best making a good text and placing the correct html tags like <br /> or <strong> or whatever but somehow the page turns blank when opening it in Mozilla Firefox or it gives an error in IE.
Here is the code:
(Don't pay attention to the text itself. It's for my friends Battlefield 3 clan)
I hope anyone can tell what I do wrong since I'd love to learn how to use HTML
But I'm not really good with HTML honestly. I've tried my best making a good text and placing the correct html tags like <br /> or <strong> or whatever but somehow the page turns blank when opening it in Mozilla Firefox or it gives an error in IE.
Here is the code:
(Don't pay attention to the text itself. It's for my friends Battlefield 3 clan)
Code: Select all
* @package Portal page English language
* @version 1.0.0 of 15.05.2009
* @copyright (c) By Stoker ~ [phpbb3bbcodes .com]
* @license [opensource .org] GNU
Public License
if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
$lang = array();
// All language files should use UTF-8 as their encoding and the
files must not contain a BOM.
// Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g. instead
// 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of
%2$s', this allows
// translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring it
remains correct
// You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g.
'Message %d' is fine
// equally where a string contains only two placeholders which
are used to wrap text
// in a url you again do not need to specify an order e.g.,
'Click %sHERE%s' is fine
// Portal page
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'PORTAL_HEADLINE' => 'Portal',
'START_DATE' => 'Board start
'PORTAL_REMEMBER' => 'Remember me',
'PORTAL_WELCOME' => 'Welcome to',
'PORTAL_MANAGEMENT' => 'The Management',
'PORTALAFF' => 'Affiliates',
'PORTAL_USERMENU' => 'User Menu',
'PORTAL_WELCOME_CONTENT' => '<strong>Welcome to
United Elite Force</strong><br /><br />The United Elite Force is
a clan which was based in Call of Duty 1: United Offensive,
after a while when Call of Duty Black Ops came out we moved to
that game where we had a great time! After a while we had a
small break and returned for Battlefield three. We are now an
active clan which has around 50 members all around Europe. While
most of us are dutch we all talk English on our forum, servers
and teamspeak servers to make sure everyone can hear each
other.<br />
<br />[UEF]clan is a fun, chill and laid-back clan. But we can
also be really serious. For instance when we have a clanwars,
which we have on occasion, sometimes once a week, sometimes once
a month. Bút we always hang around in one of our five servers.
Except Battlefield three we also got members who play Command &
Conquer, ARMA II or Diablo III. Also we love to create videos
and put them on our YouTube channel, we place all of our clanwar
videos on there and also funny scenes, bloopers, awesome
killstreaks or anything. We even got videos of Amnesia: The Dark
Descent or Call of Duty Black Ops!<br />
<br />Even though we are a laid-back clan we also play serious
on occasion so if you are interested in joining. Please click on
this link ----> <A HREF="[uefclan .nl]">Click Here</A> <----<br />
<br />After you've clicked that link you'll see a few questions
in the box. Please fill those out and press "submit" underneath
the box. By filling out a nice, detailed and interesting
application we will discuss if you are being chosen as a
recruit.<br />
<br /><strong>But</strong> first we need to see if you are kind,
loyal and a real teamplayer. You'll be invited to a platoon
called [uefR] this means <i>United Elite Force Recruits</i>. In
your first two weeks you'll be a recruit, after these two weeks
we will discuss about if you are aplicable to join our clan as a
full member and being accepted in our clan. So please stay
active on our servers and add some members so they will see you
play and they can talk to you. :)<br />
<br /><strong>Our Servers:</strong><br />
<br />Our 64 slots Conquest Server.<br />
<br /><a
href="[gametracker .com]" target="_blank"><img
src="[gametracker .com]" border="0"
width="350" height="20" alt=""/></a><br />
<br />The 32 slots Close Quarter Server.<br />
<br /><a
href=""[gametracker .com]" target="_blank"><img
src="[gametracker .com]" border="0" width="560" height="95"
alt=""/></a><br />
<br />This is our Squad Rush server with Close Quarter maps.<br
<br /><a
href="[gametracker .com]" target="_blank"><img
src="[gametracker .com]"" border="0" width="560" height="95"
alt=""/></a><br />
<br />Our 32 slots Hardcore Gunmaster and Conquest server on
Close Quarter maps.<br />
<br /><a
href="[gametracker .com]" target="_blank"><img
src="[gametracker .com]" border="0" width="560" height="95"
alt=""/></a><br />
<br />And the 16 slots Close Quarter TDM server.<br />
<br /><a
href="[gametracker .com]" target="_blank"><img
src="[gametracker .com]" border="0" width="560" height="95"
alt=""/></a><br />
<br />Ask any of our admins for our Teamspeak server IP.<br />
// Welcome Mod by Richard McGirr
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'UP_LATE' => 'You\'re up late %1$s, Shouldn\'t you be
'UP_EARLY' => 'Good Morning %1$s, You\'re up early
'GOOD_MORNING' => 'Good Morning %1$s, What a lovely
morning it is',
'GOOD_AFTERNOON' => 'Good Afternoon %1$s, Finally you are
'GOOD_EVENING' => 'Good Evening %1$s, Nice to see you
'WELCOME_GUEST' => 'Guest',
// Statistics
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'POSTS_PER_DAY_OTHER' => 'Posts per day <strong>
'POSTS_PER_DAY_ZERO' => 'Posts per day
'POSTS_PER_TOPIC_OTHER' => 'Posts per topic <strong>
'POSTS_PER_YEAR_OTHER' => 'Posts per year <strong>
'POSTS_PER_YEAR_ZERO' => 'Posts per year
'POSTS_PER_TOPIC_ZERO' => 'Posts per topic
'POSTS_PER_USER_OTHER' => 'Posts per member <strong>
'POSTS_PER_USER_ZERO' => 'Posts per member
'TOPICS_PER_DAY_OTHER' => 'Topics per day <strong>
'TOPICS_PER_DAY_ZERO' => 'Topics per day
'TOPICS_PER_YEAR_OTHER' => 'Topics per year <strong>
'TOPICS_PER_YEAR_ZERO' => 'Topics per year
'TOPICS_PER_USER_OTHER' => 'Topics per member <strong>
'TOPICS_PER_USER_ZERO' => 'Topics per member
'USERS_PER_DAY_OTHER' => 'Members per day <strong>
'USERS_PER_DAY_ZERO' => 'Members per day
'USERS_PER_YEAR_OTHER' => 'Members per year <strong>
'USERS_PER_YEAR_ZERO' => 'Members per year
'TOTAL_POSTS_OTHER' => 'Total posts
'TOTAL_POSTS_ZERO' => 'Total posts
'TOTAL_TOPICS_OTHER' => 'Total topics <strong>
'TOTAL_TOPICS_ZERO' => 'Total topics
'TOTAL_USERS_OTHER' => 'Total members
'TOTAL_USERS_ZERO' => 'Total members
'TOTAL_FILES_OTHER' => 'Total attachments
'TOTAL_FILES_ZERO' => 'Total attachments
'FILES_PER_DAY_OTHER' => 'Attachments per day
'FILES_PER_DAY_ZERO' => 'Attachments per day
'FILES_PER_YEAR_OTHER' => 'Attachments per year
'FILES_PER_YEAR_ZERO' => 'Attachments per year
'FILES_PER_USER_OTHER' => 'Attachments per member
'FILES_PER_USER_ZERO' => 'Attachments per member
I hope anyone can tell what I do wrong since I'd love to learn how to use HTML