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hello eveyone

Posted: 07 Jul 2012, 09:32
by djandyp
hi all

im looking to add a good chat facilaty on my new webpage im building, i recently went on a site that brought me here because i saw how good there chat page was so i was wondering can any1 help me, also im new to this web building thing so im not all clued up on coding so im hoping you guys will be able to help me if i get stuck

many thanks


hello eveyone

Posted: 07 Jul 2012, 12:18
by Stoker
Hello and welcome to the site andy :)

hello eveyone

Posted: 07 Jul 2012, 12:59
by Blackwolf
:thumb: Welcome djandyp

hello eveyone

Posted: 07 Jul 2012, 14:10
by Upside555
Welcome to site djandyp