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Smilies sliding

Posted: 06 Aug 2012, 20:09
by Galandas
Title: Smilies sliding
Author: Rey, Galandas
Description: With this simple mod, put smileys in sliding.
Version: 1.0.0
Platform and Version: 3.0.10

Modx: yes

Automod: yes

Demo URL: N/A
Demo Username: N/A
Demo Password: N/A

Mod Download:
(33.05 KiB) Downloaded 175 times

Smilies in scroll box

Posted: 06 Aug 2012, 22:28
by Upside555
Modifications you could put pictures , thanks for trump

Smilies in scroll box

Posted: 06 Aug 2012, 23:32
by Galandas
ok image put.

Smilies in scroll box

Posted: 07 Aug 2012, 20:17
by juango
so what's the difference between this "mod" and this: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=465&hilit=smilies+i ... l+box#p973
other then this one has a different author?

Smilies in scroll box

Posted: 07 Aug 2012, 20:49
by Stoker
Cisco007 wrote:so what's the difference between this "mod" and this: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=465&hilit=smilies+i ... l+box#p973
other then this one has a different author?
Why dont you download it and check it. ;)

Smilies in scroll box

Posted: 07 Aug 2012, 21:09
by juango
i don't think that is the point stoker! is it? maybe a little more explanation on his part, like maybe, "i just grabbed steves snippet and made it beter" or something like that.
all the picture shows is that its thinner box and with table type border outline. I guess i can add a color border to steve's original snippet and say it's my mod.
that is all i was trying to get across! don't mean to step on anyone's toes.

Smilies in scroll box

Posted: 07 Aug 2012, 21:19
by RMcGirr83
I can call anyone's mod that I have changed mine as long as I retain the original author credits. That's what GPL does.


Code: Select all

<table border="1" bordercolor="#000000" width="auto" style="font-color:#000000"><tr>
<td class="corpo" style="font-size:1px"; color="#000000";>
<font face="Verdana" size="1" color="#000000"><b><center>{L_SMILIES}</center></b></font>
</td></tr><tr><td height="20" align="center"><font face="Verdana" size="1" color="#000000">
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left" scrolldelay="1" scrollamount="5" onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()">
Eeeewwww, :mrgreen: and will fail W3c validation

Smilies in scroll box

Posted: 07 Aug 2012, 21:32
by Stoker
Cisco007 wrote:i don't think that is the point stoker! is it? maybe a little more explanation on his part, like maybe, "i just grabbed steves snippet and made it beter" or something like that.
all the picture shows is that its thinner box and with table type border outline. I guess i can add a color border to steve's original snippet and say it's my mod.
that is all i was trying to get across! don't mean to step on anyone's toes.
My point was that it is much better to download the mod and check the code instead of posting accusations.

Smilies in scroll box

Posted: 07 Aug 2012, 21:37
by juango
sorry if it came across as making accusations, it wasn't my intention, i just wanted to know the diference, before i download it. just like many places put descriptions, so that people choose whether to download or not. sorry.

Correct Rich i know what you are saying, but he didn't, so i guess it's a completely different mod. So i am still sticking with Steve's snippet, specially after you pointed out that non-validating code!

Smilies in scroll box

Posted: 08 Aug 2012, 13:27
by Galandas
before you accuse,
As already said by stoker
download and check
The mod just looking at pictures
and clearly evident
that are different
then the w3c validator does not pass
and a test even more
I think you just wanted to get an exhibition of himself

the mods are two completely different things
my puts on a sliding pleasant
that puts them in a box sliding
I fixed the name of the mod
so as not to mislead
no other.


RMcGirr83 wrote:Eeeewwww, and will fail W3c validation
This could avoid
and height
to judge, you are not the eternal father. :twisted: