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Hi Im Randell just wanted to introduce myself

Posted: 18 Aug 2012, 11:04
by randellz
hello how are you all today? thought id do a hello post and introduce myself here first before i go asking questions. I joined this forum cause it seems to have the most up to date info, Even more so than the actual Phpbb forumz.

Glad i found this forum and i hope i can help solve some questions while getting a few of my own answered, Cant wait to read lots of the posts here as they all look very interesting.

Thanks for your time and i cant wait to get started.

Have a great day

From MFRProductions

Hi Im Randell just wanted to introduce myself

Posted: 18 Aug 2012, 18:52
by Stoker
Hi Randell, welcome :)

Hi Im Randell just wanted to introduce myself

Posted: 19 Aug 2012, 11:03
by randellz
thanks stoker glad to be here.

Hi Im Randell just wanted to introduce myself

Posted: 19 Aug 2012, 23:02
by tudorionut
Welcome here Randellz

Hi Im Randell just wanted to introduce myself

Posted: 21 Aug 2012, 09:37
by randellz
Hi again everyone, Wasn't sure if i should start a new topic for this, cause it's not support and it's not really a contribution - It's more an idea so i thought just posting here would be best.

My idea is a traffic mod, So basically each time a user logs in or a guest logs in, they are redirected or prompted to read 2+ forum posts.

It would have to work like a traffic exchange so login and then you would see the first post have to view it for 30 seconds then click next and then view the next one for 30 seconds,

Once you finish viewing the sites you will be taken to portal or home page.

I guess the question is has someone done this and if not are people interested in such a mod?.

what are your thoughts on something like this guys, id be happy to hear peoples ideas.