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[RC1] jQ User Map api3 v.0.9.0 (Update)

Posted: 19 Aug 2012, 00:04
by 4seven
jQ User Map api3

MOD-Title: jQ User Map api3
MOD-Version: 0.9.0
MOD-Author: 4seven / BNa

Request topic: ... #p13078463

Credits: Googlecode for googlemap/geocode from their fantastic api 3

phpBB-Version: phpBB 3.0.x
phpBB-Languages: en
phpBB-Styles: prosilver

MOD-Description: This Mod adds a User Map to your forum

- jQ User Map, based on Google Map api v3 with Streetview
- Clear Mod Design without bells and whistles
- Uses native phpbb3 CPFs to setup (Location/Location Description)
- Full address mode with several possibilitys:
- zip(if unique or/and specific), land, state, town, street (each mixed or alone)
- Map user list > 'Jump to User' (zooming+centering location)
- V3 cluster engine mentioned here by javiexin with adjustable grid sensitivity
- Clustering user, who lives near, instead of x markers
- Rightclick on marker opens link to user profile
- Optional weather / clouds overlay
- Changeable geocode provider
- User online/offline status
- Slim js engine /~ 6 sql requests
- Location failure prevent
- Works with jQ User Weather
- xhtml 1.0 strict valid
- Easy install

v.1.0.0 preview
  • adding location check on registration (if set this way in acp) **
  • some finetuning and optimization
** Demo: - Feel free to check it out. Failure message comes, if something is wrong. If all is proper a map preview appears. All this stuff work without site reload.
Changes in v.0.0.2
  • adding "smooth moving" by changing location on userlist ('Jump to User') by click,
    if clicked location resides in current map view.
  • switchable overlay section: weather, clouds.
  • adding 'marker-feedback' by mouseover on userlist ('Jump to User') (scroll over list)
    requested by PatrickS3.
Changes in v.0.0.3
  • fixing sql error caused by unneeded geocode requests
  • new error-prevent and request-sparing to prevent blacklisting
  • alternativ geocode provider as failover
Changes in v.0.9.0
  • fixing compatibility error with new google api version
  • including Marker Adjust Addition
  • optimizing some code
Viewtopic Addon: ... t=109#p324

Marker Adjust Addition: ... t=109#p347

Center init map: (default: admin location) ... p=364#p364

Load custom profile fields / Addition I v.0.0.3 ... t=109#p459


Link in overall header Image User Map

test account: ... ofile&u=53
un: tester / pw: tester (ucp > profile, setup 'User Map Location' and watch 'User Map' after that)

Also feel free to register and fill the dev map with life.

Download: v.0.0.1 ... ?f=3&t=109
Download: v.0.0.2 ... ?f=3&t=109
Download: v.0.0.3 ... ?f=3&t=109
Download: v.0.9.0 ... ?f=3&t=109



Note: You must add the named custom profile fields before mod install

Basic Instruction: ... p=282#p282


German [DEV] Topic: ... 8&t=223461

[RC1] jQ User Map api3 v.0.0.3

Posted: 21 Nov 2012, 16:11
by 4seven
Fix for the consequence of codechanges on Google Map API v.3.10 + v.3.11* (*experimental yet)
Note: API v.3.0.9 is now feature frozen, means stable. Merely the plugin developer must correct some things for v.3.10. So we use v.3.0.9 until things are fixed. Its like Firefox and his extensions compatibility.




Code: Select all

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<!-- ELSE -->
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<!-- ENDIF -->
Replace with

Code: Select all

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<!-- ELSE -->
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<!-- ENDIF -->
Clear all caches..

[RC1] jQ User Map api3 v.0.0.3

Posted: 14 Dec 2012, 23:36
by 4seven
v.1.0.0 preview
  • adding location check on registration (if set this way in acp) **
  • some finetuning and optimization
** Demo: - Feel free to check it out. Failure message comes, if something is wrong. If all is proper a map preview appears. All this stuff work without site reload.

[RC1] jQ User Map api3 v.0.0.3

Posted: 19 Mar 2013, 21:19
by 4seven
Some Api parts changed these days, but a fix is on the way.
Api Change Info: ... il?id=4630
Can take a bit, so pls be patient.

[RC1] jQ User Map api3 v.0.0.3

Posted: 21 Mar 2013, 02:20
by 4seven
The fix/update is done (see demo link).
After some more checks the fix/update releases.

[RC1] jQ User Map api3 v.0.9.0 (Update)

Posted: 27 Mar 2013, 01:03
by 4seven
Update v.0.9.0

Changes in v.0.9.0
  • fixing compatibility error with new google api version
  • including Marker Adjust Addition
  • optimizing some code
Update Instruction
  • download v.0.9.0 package
  • make all settings in user_weather/user_map_config.php
  • load up all files again (no code edits)
  • clear all available board- and browser-caches

[RC1] jQ User Map api3 v.0.9.0 (Update)

Posted: 27 Mar 2013, 21:38
by 4seven
A little optimizing/fixing brings transitions effects in current 3.11 Map API.

It looks best in Google Chrome. Who wonder ;)

So please..



Find and delete (2 times) &v=3.9

Also it brings better performance and fixes an Ajax Request Timing Error,
which dont break the engine nor js, but shows an error in firebug.

The v.0.9.0 package will be fixed soon.


Edit: Dont forget, as explained in ModX,
to check out the user_weather/user_map_config.php.
Here you can do some customizings, eg. background colour etc.

Code: Select all

// Offline user colour (marker background)
$off_colour = 'CCCCFF';
// Enter HEX code without #

// Online  user colour (marker background)
$onl_colour = '99CC99';
// Enter HEX code without #

// Hidden  user colour (marker background)
$hid_colour = 'FFCCFF';
// Enter HEX code without #     
More styling tips and instructions for the Maps Look and Feel comes in the next future.

[RC1] jQ User Map api3 v.0.9.0 (Update)

Posted: 28 Mar 2013, 17:34
by 4seven
new Fix#1 für v.0.9.0

UTF8 (+) Fix
reported by redbull254


If you have used this fix before, remove it first: ... 0#p1297952

NOTE: Open both files with Notepad++ and save both in UTF8 ohne BOM

so open



Code: Select all

replace with

Code: Select all




Code: Select all

decodeURI($("#username_" + locations[i][2]).val())  
replace with

Code: Select all

$("#username_" + locations[i][2]).val()  
Clear all Board- and Browsercaches

[RC1] jQ User Map api3 v.0.9.0 (Update)

Posted: 28 Mar 2013, 17:48
by 4seven
New v.0.9.0.a Demo is ready. With all reported fixes, some optimizings, adjustable font size (standard is now bigger than normal) and switchable avatar mouseover:

Thereby the username font size goes switchable bigger on mouseover. The new v.0.9.0.a comes after eastern and than is silence here until jQUM v.1.0.0 is out, because it goes on here in the named order.

[RC1] jQ User Map api3 v.0.9.0 (Update)

Posted: 28 Mar 2013, 20:18
by 4seven

Both code changes:
are now in current v.0.9.0 package