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Top Stats 1.09 Help

Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 10:00
by Rhyno
Heya Stoker

I swear i had top stats 1.08 installed before the new version, but following the instructions in the install file, it says the only file to edit is the common.php in language folder.

Code here :

Code: Select all

'MOST_VIEWED'				=> 'Most viewed topics',
	'MOST_REPLIED'				=> 'Most replied topics',
	'NEWEST_TOPICS'				=> 'Latest Topics',
	'NEWEST_POSTS'				=> 'Latest Posts',

Code: Select all

'MOST_VIEWED'				=> 'Most viewed topics',
	'MOST_REPLIED'				=> 'Most replied topics',
But I had to edit this part of the commom.php as well because i had errors in the language text.

Code: Select all

// BEGIN Top Stats
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
	'MOST_VIEWED'				=> 'Most viewed topics',
	'MOST_REPLIED'				=> 'Most replied topics',
	'NEWEST_TOPICS'				=> 'Latest Topics',
	'NEWEST_POSTS'				=> 'Latest Posts',
	'RECENT_ACTIVE'				=> 'Recent Active Topics',
	'MOST_ACTIVE_USERS'			=> 'Most active users',
	'JOINED_US'					=> 'Joined us',
	'MOST_ACTIVE_FORUMS'		=> 'Most active forums',
	'PREVIOUS_SCROLL'			=> 'Previous',
	'NEXT_SCROLL'				=> 'Next',
	'START_SCROLL'				=> 'Start',
	'STOP_SCROLL'				=> 'Stop',
	'LAST_REGISTERED_USERS'		=> 'Last registered users',
	'LAST_VISITED_BOTS'			=> 'Last visited bots',
// END Top Stats
Is that something missed or did i update from an earlier version perhaps?

p.s. Also with the new version, if i have a URL in my forum description it comes out weird now :


Top Stats 1.09 Help

Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 10:27
by Stoker
Following the instructions from the update file you are told to do a find and replace.
All it does is to delete to lines not in use:

Code: Select all

'NEWEST_TOPICS'            => 'Latest Topics',
   'NEWEST_POSTS'            => 'Latest Posts',
To fix the other problem, download the mod again and upload the files.
Dont run the installer again.

Top Stats 1.09 Help

Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 10:45
by Rhyno
Stoker wrote:Following the instructions from the update file you are told to do a find and replace.
All it does is to delete to lines not in use:

Code: Select all

'NEWEST_TOPICS'            => 'Latest Topics',
   'NEWEST_POSTS'            => 'Latest Posts',
To fix the other problem, download the mod again and upload the files.
Dont run the installer again.
OK will give it a go

Top Stats 1.09 Help

Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 10:50
by Rhyno
Ok copied over files again, didn't reinstall still seeing same problem

Top Stats 1.09 Help

Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 10:56
by Stoker
purge cache

Top Stats 1.09 Help

Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 10:59
by Rhyno
Negative Sir... Still applies :(

Top Stats 1.09 Help

Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 12:57
by Stoker
Update to latest version 1.0.10

Top Stats 1.09 Help

Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 16:05
by Rhyno
Do we just copy over files? Or does it require to run install file again?

Top Stats 1.09 Help

Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 16:17
by Stoker
Yes, copy files and run installer.

Top Stats 1.09 Help

Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 21:45
by Solidjeuh
Had the same problem
Fixed with the 1.0.10 update
Thank you Stoker! :D