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Top Stats

Posted: 15 Sep 2012, 09:05
by cabalganti
Hello. I was wondering if it is possible to increase the number of scrolling elements in the Recent Active Topics?

Top Stats

Posted: 15 Sep 2012, 16:52
by Stoker
Sure, you just need to edit this part of the overall_header.html part of the code: max_items : 3,
and this part of the the colours.css edit: height: 123px;
That part MUST be max_items * row_height

Top Stats

Posted: 15 Sep 2012, 22:47
by cabalganti
Thank you much Stoker for the prompt answer. I made the changes, 41px per each new element, i decided to add 2 more (making it five in total) 41pixels x 5 scrolling elements =205 pixels height. It works nice in Chrome and Opera but not in firefox :( . Included some screenshots below. I tried to add a link to my site so you can have a look at it "live" but it wont let me :( .
Further advice will be much apreciated.

Top Stats

Posted: 16 Sep 2012, 00:12
by martin123456
On a side note i have noticed if you use stokers pre mod it displays perfect in firefox.

Use phpbb from and install the top stats mod it don't show perfect in firefox but does in other browser's

this is stokers pre mod on firefox displays perfect

and phpbb from bottom row is cut short

Top Stats

Posted: 16 Sep 2012, 03:36
by cabalganti
Ugh. :? I use over 10 mods in my board, including some Seo Premod addons (not the premoded phpbb version) and reistalling everything is something i would like to avoid if possible. Maybe the easiest way to "fix" it is going back to 3 scrolling elements? :cry: . Any other advise?. Further help will be much apreciated.

Top Stats

Posted: 16 Sep 2012, 03:54
by Stoker
play with the row height until it displays perfect

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Posted: 16 Sep 2012, 05:29
by cabalganti
Playing with the row height fixes the problem in Firefox. Now , the problem is with Chorme and Opera. :? Just downloaded you pre moded version and i am trying to figure what the problem could be. Maybe has to do with the 3.0.11 update?

Top Stats

Posted: 16 Sep 2012, 09:27
by Stoker
There is also the tweaks.css edit.

My settings for SE Pro is this:
row_height : '44px',
height: 41px;

Top Stats

Posted: 16 Sep 2012, 13:00
by martin123456
As i pointed out it displays perfect on all browsers IF you use pre mod.

If you dont use pre mod then its screwed in firefox only.

Now in return that then leaves 2 options there is some thing in the pre mod thats not in phpbb or firefox is screwed

Thats the settings i use stoker (on local) but its still screwed in firefox.

Top Stats

Posted: 16 Sep 2012, 13:01
by Stoker
Is it screwed here on this site too?