Layout is not displaying the right way in we_universal

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Layout is not displaying the right way in we_universal

Post by David1987 »

Hi There,

I have installed this modification for a client on his website, but there seems to be a problem with the layout of top stats with we_universal style.
screen shot top_stats_body
screen shot top_stats_body
In the screenshot you can see what I mean, it looks like a css problem to me, but I can't figure it out what the problem is. Does somebody have some Ideas or tips and even better a solution?

A Dutch website about a chronicle disease, called Neurofibromatosis:
Neurofibromatosis website
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Layout is not displaying the right way in we_universal

Post by Stoker »

Well, it states that we_universal is prosilver based. But it looks pretty much like its subsilver2 based and that is the problem.
You need to convert each block to the we_universal style.
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Layout is not displaying the right way in we_universal

Post by David1987 »

You saying it easier that it really is, I can install MODS, but I can't customize them. I'm trying to learn it ;)

I now have this code:


Code: Select all

<div style="text-align:right; padding-right:10px;"><a href="#" title="{L_PREVIOUS_SCROLL}" id="ticker-previous"><img src="{ROOT_PATH}images/player_rew.png" width="16" height="16" alt="{L_PREVIOUS_SCROLL}" /></a> <a href="#" title="{L_NEXT_SCROLL}" id="ticker-next"><img src="{ROOT_PATH}images/player_fwd.png" width="16" height="16" alt="{L_NEXT_SCROLL}" /></a> <a href="#" title="{L_STOP_SCROLL}" id="stop"><img src="{ROOT_PATH}images/player_pause.png" width="16" height="16" alt="{L_STOP_SCROLL}" /></a> <a href="#" title="{L_START_SCROLL}" id="start"><img src="{ROOT_PATH}images/player_play.png" width="16" height="16" alt="{L_START_SCROLL}" /></a></div>
<!-- ENDIF -->
<div class="forums-wrapper">
			<table class="forums">
				<th colspan="3">{TSRAT_NUMBER} {L_RECENT_ACTIVE}</th>
				<th class="topics">{L_REPLIES}</th>
				<th class="posts">{L_VIEWS}</th>
				<th class="lastpost"><span>{L_LAST_POST}</span></th>
	<ul <!-- IF S_TS_JSSCROLL and not S_TS_TICKER -->id="vertical-ticker" <!-- ELSEIF S_TS_TICKER and not S_TS_JSSCROLL -->id="news" <!-- ENDIF -->class="topiclist forums">
		<!-- IF S_TS_JSSCROLL or not S_TS_TICKER -->
		<!-- BEGIN recent_active -->
		<tr class="row">
		<td class="icon bg2" style="background-image: url({ROOT_PATH}images/starimg.png); background-repeat: no-repeat;">
		<td class="bg2">
		   <a href="{recent_active.U_FIRST_TOPIC}" class="forumtitle">{recent_active.TOPIC_TITLE}</a><br />
		   {L_POST_BY_AUTHOR} <a style="font-weight:bold; color: #{recent_active.TOPIC_FIRST_POSTER_COLOUR};" href="{recent_active.USERNAME_FIRST}">{recent_active.TOPIC_FIRST_POSTER_NAME}</a> {L_IN} <a href="{recent_active.FORUM_URL}">{recent_active.FORUM_NAME}</a> {recent_active.TOPIC_TIME}
		<th class="topics">{recent_active.TOPIC_REPLIES}</th>
		<th class="posts">{recent_active.TOPIC_VIEWS}</th>
		<th class="lastpost"><span>
		   {L_POST_BY_AUTHOR} <a style="font-weight:bold; color: #{recent_active.TOPIC_LAST_POSTER_COLOUR};" href="{recent_active.USERNAME_LAST}">{recent_active.TOPIC_LAST_POSTER_NAME}</a> <a href="{recent_active.U_LAST_TOPIC}">{LAST_POST_IMG}</a><br />{recent_active.TOPIC_LAST_POST_TIME}</span>
		<!-- END recent_active -->
		<tr class="row">
		<!-- BEGIN recent_active -->
		<td class="icon bg2" style="background-image: url({ROOT_PATH}images/starimg.png); background-repeat: no-repeat;">
		<td class="bg2">
		   <a href="{recent_active.U_FIRST_TOPIC}" class="forumtitle">{recent_active.TOPIC_TITLE}</a><br />
		   {L_POST_BY_AUTHOR} <a style="font-weight:bold; color: #{recent_active.TOPIC_FIRST_POSTER_COLOUR};" href="{recent_active.USERNAME_FIRST}">{recent_active.TOPIC_FIRST_POSTER_NAME}</a> {L_IN} <a href="{recent_active.FORUM_URL}">{recent_active.FORUM_NAME}</a> {recent_active.TOPIC_TIME}
		<th class="topics">{recent_active.TOPIC_REPLIES}</th>
		<th class="posts">{recent_active.TOPIC_VIEWS}</th>
		<th class="lastpost"><span>
		   {L_POST_BY_AUTHOR} <a style="font-weight:bold; color: #{recent_active.TOPIC_LAST_POSTER_COLOUR};" href="{recent_active.USERNAME_LAST}">{recent_active.TOPIC_LAST_POSTER_NAME}</a> <a href="{recent_active.U_LAST_TOPIC}">{LAST_POST_IMG}</a><br />{recent_active.TOPIC_LAST_POST_TIME}</span>
		<!-- END recent_active -->
		<!-- ENDIF -->
The Result of code above
The Result of code above
I have used forumlist_body.html as a example. As you can see it's not how it must be yet, it's hard for me to figure it all out... maybe you can help me a bit with this one? Which pieces of code do I need to adjust?

I don't have live demo, because I'm trying to fix this on a local server before I upload it live!
A Dutch website about a chronicle disease, called Neurofibromatosis:
Neurofibromatosis website