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[DEV] Unfrequently User Manager

Posted: 05 Dec 2012, 02:17
by 4seven
Unfrequently User Manager

MOD-Titel: Unfrequently User Manager
MOD-Version: none yet
MOD-Author/s: 4seven / BNa

Request Topic: ... 3&t=225871
Requested by: LisaserstesForum

phpBB-Version: phpBB 3.0.x
phpBB-Language: en / hardcoded yet (en language file follows)
phpBB-Styles: prosilver

MOD-Description: A Manager for clerical abstinent User

  • Search x days back to last post (you can set the start value (default: 0 days)
  • Show basics:
    Last post Link
  • Show statistics:
    Date of last:
    - Post
    - Visit
    Post Count
    Count of days between:
    - Last Post and Today
    - Last Visit and Today
    - Last Visit > Last Post
  • Admin Functions:
    Send Email Reminder
    Send PM Reminder
    Deactivate/Activate user
  • Display Modes:
    Show only Users under [ 0 ] Posts*
    Show Mail reminded User**
    Show PM reminded User**
    Show deactivated User**
    *0 (zero) is default (show all users). Otherwise as entered.
    **Default: No display
  • Xhtml 1.0 strict valid
  • Easy Install (one edit)

- ?

Live-Dummy: (normally admin only)

Download: none yet



Unfrequently User Manager

Posted: 05 Dec 2012, 21:46
by 4seven
Adding Mail Reminder Funktion (Demo is updated).
Mail Reminder Content is identical to PM Reminder, see attach (german yet):

Unfrequently User Manager

Posted: 06 Dec 2012, 00:06
by 4seven
Adding last login and Diff between last login and last post (see Demo)
Avatar Resize Fix for get_user_avatar() function. Related to IE and Chrome.

Unfrequently User Manager

Posted: 07 Dec 2012, 23:30
by 4seven
Look is now finished, more tidy and distinct. It goes to the functions.

Unfrequently User Manager

Posted: 08 Dec 2012, 21:43
by Jessica
looks like this on my screen (the demo). Circled the problems in red....

Unfrequently User Manager

Posted: 08 Dec 2012, 21:47
by martin123456
Looks good to me. chrome

Unfrequently User Manager

Posted: 08 Dec 2012, 22:53
by 4seven
Jessica wrote:
looks like this on my screen (the demo). Circled the problems in red....
You have a resolution of 1024x768 or under.I try to fix it, but, resolutions under 1024 are not supported, sorry.

Unfrequently User Manager

Posted: 08 Dec 2012, 23:03
by martin123456
4seven wrote:
Jessica wrote:
looks like this on my screen (the demo). Circled the problems in red....
You have a resolution of 1024x768 or under.I try to fix it, but, resolutions under 1024 are not supported, sorry.

Just for info i took my screen shot on a laptop and resolution is 1440x900 so its all good for that size

Unfrequently User Manager

Posted: 08 Dec 2012, 23:15
by 4seven
Thanks for info. I try this moment 1024 and a bit under. May i get the jessica resolution ;)

Unfrequently User Manager

Posted: 08 Dec 2012, 23:43
by 4seven
Done, please check it out...