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BBCode to display a presentation on your forum

Posted: 08 Jan 2013, 23:57
by Martin_K
The best way I have found so far to display a PowerPoint presentation on my forum, is to
  1. open the presentation in Keynote (being a Mac user), opens most PowerPoint presentations.
  2. Export as html site, complete with navigation controls.
  3. Upload the mini site to a folder on your site.
  4. Create a BBCode iFrame for the site.
This is how I set up my BBCode:

BBCode usage:

Code: Select all

HTML replacement:

Code: Select all

<iframe scrolling="auto" frameborder="0" src="{IDENTIFIER}/" width="850" height="740"></iframe>

Code: Select all

The folder name of the slideshow created by Keynote in html form.
You may need to tweak some of these settings depending on the size of the original presentation.

BBCode to display a presentation on your forum

Posted: 10 Jan 2013, 23:59
by Vox Populi
Why not just a link to the PPS or PP file and a snapshot for the link? I've personally never cared for the export to html in PP. The advantage you have with the HTML version is most everybody can view it. There is a PP reader at MS for free.

BBCode to display a presentation on your forum

Posted: 11 Jan 2013, 13:18
by Martin_K
My idea behind using Iframes is to keep people on the forum, and save them having to download files, go off site and have to download and use additional programs to view the files they have downloaded. Strikes me as a no-brainer.

I am using a Keynote, for Mac, to produce the mini html site and it does a nice job of producing it. I'll put up an example with audio when I have one.

BBCode to display a presentation on your forum

Posted: 24 Jan 2013, 09:04
by sinlyn
the PPS or PP file is wasting your time, and the HTML version is easiler