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Ads in ViewForum Pages

Posted: 15 Feb 2013, 20:34
by Alien_Time
Hi Stoker,

I am sorry, I didnt know where to post this question. I searched everywhere on your forum and I couldnt find a general support forum not related to any Mod. This questions is not related to this MOD and I hope you can still help me.

I noticed the ads that you have placed in the viewforum pages and these ads appears in between the topics. Can you tell me how you placed these ads there please? Its really cool since its looks as if its a topic as it also has Stats and last posts details on its side. How do you do that?

Is it a Link Unit ad or a Text ad?

Does it give a good CTR?

Can you guide me plz...

Ads in ViewForum Pages

Posted: 15 Feb 2013, 20:36
by Stoker
There is no general support here. Only support for my mods an snippets.