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Top Stats - Fail

Posted: 07 Apr 2013, 23:45
by m1s3rys1gn4l
Brother i have this problem ,
What should i do ? :shock:

Top Stats - Fail

Posted: 08 Apr 2013, 01:29
by Stoker
Im not sure why this is happening to you.
I just did a fresh install with automod:

Top Stats - Fail

Posted: 08 Apr 2013, 08:15
by m1s3rys1gn4l
This mod were previously installed on my site, after that i have installed phpbb3bbcode premod on my site with my old database, and delete top state table from sql, , n now i have installed automod, top state not working with auto mod then i m going to install in manually but i have this problem . . . .

Top Stats - Fail

Posted: 08 Apr 2013, 08:15
by m1s3rys1gn4l
check out on protiva (.) net

Top Stats - Fail

Posted: 08 Apr 2013, 10:23
by Stoker
Try run the installer to uninstall, then reinstall and let me know what happens.

Top Stats - Fail

Posted: 08 Apr 2013, 10:56
by m1s3rys1gn4l
finally It Works brother, but scroll not working / / /

Top Stats - Fail

Posted: 08 Apr 2013, 15:32
by Stoker
You need to do the prosilver edits to the SE Pro style.

Top Stats - Fail

Posted: 08 Apr 2013, 21:09
by m1s3rys1gn4l
brother i m using phpbb3premod with SE Pro Style, now what should i do now , can u check mine site protiva (.) Net

Top Stats - Fail

Posted: 08 Apr 2013, 21:31
by martin123456

Top Stats - Fail

Posted: 08 Apr 2013, 22:22
by m1s3rys1gn4l
martin123456 wrote:
check it again bro / / /