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Count of new posts next to View new posts?

Posted: 27 Apr 2013, 06:07
by static1635
I love simple portal, thanks very much.
But is it possible to have a count of new posts next to View new posts?

Count of new posts next to View new posts?

Posted: 27 Apr 2013, 17:12
by Stoker
I dont have the code for this, but it might be on somewhere.

Count of new posts next to View new posts?

Posted: 28 Apr 2013, 03:19
by static1635
Yes, I used to have another portal with it on. I know the code is out there.
I made my own custom portal with the idea to add the counter code myself, but then realised having the simple portal to build on was more sensible.
I shall go digging on phpbb, I am half way there with the super simple portal for sure :)