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Finding help aint easy.

Posted: 03 Jun 2013, 16:45
by dancepartner
I found phpbb3 by sifting thru phpbb.
Several months ago I had posted on Area51, a request to hire some help but was told I can't solicit there. When I stumbled across this place, I noticed a quip about hiring per hour but I had to register first in order to PM (I believe it was Stoker). Now that I'm here, I still can't seem to PM stoker so I'm posting this in the introduction. If I'm out of line, I apologize. Obviously, I really don't know much about forum finesse and I surely don't want to offend another phpbb board so I hope this is acceptable.
A friend of mine helped me create a phpbb forum. It's about ready to launch but with one snag which he can't conquer. That means I don't stand a chance in figuring it out which is why I'd like to hire someone well-versed in phpbb.
I need the Karma rating plugin (or whatever rating plugin would be best) modified. I may as well post now, what it is I'm looking for. If anyone can help, please PM me. Thanks. Lee

Here’s what I’m looking for:

1) rating feature shows up ONLY in 1 section of forum.

2) rates ONLY the responses—NOT the question.

3) ONLY admin posts questions. In other words, it can’t be a “post a
new topic” option. The end result needs to be where ONLY admin posts the
question; the responses get rated, the top rated responses automatically keep
flowing to the top WITHIN each specific query.

4) rating system of a 1 thru 5 (not likes or thumbs etc...) with #1 being the best solution
and so on down. I see where some rating plugins use a % basis.
This could be used to auto-track where each solution lands within
each query. For instance, 25 solutions with the top rated one holding
top spot on down.

5) users can choose to either: 1) have their post rated or simply rate
other posts, up to a total of 5.

6) users must be able to adapt their solutions to the feedback being
offered. Possibly an icon indicating solution has been modified?

7) users must be able to readjust how they rate solutions. Possibly the %,
the individual users chosen rating preference, and the overall rating of each solution,
which could all be consolidated and easily seen, located in the top right corner within each solution?
This way, users could keep track of their preferences and readjust them more easily.

I don't know if this is something that can even be done.
I would appreciate any guidance offered.
Thank you.

Finding help aint easy.

Posted: 03 Jun 2013, 21:16
by themission
Finding love ain't easy either, i've found it, but wish she'd get a place of her own, as gets boring after 17 years. :) WELCOME - nice post - Im sure some of the clever people here will be able to help you - i cant as in know nothing = good Luck

Finding help aint easy.

Posted: 03 Jun 2013, 21:51
by martin123456
Welcome to phpbb3

Have you posted your request here ?

Finding help aint easy.

Posted: 04 Jun 2013, 05:00
by dancepartner
themission; thanks for the humor. Something I could use a bit of about now.
Martin123456; No. I saw on Stokers list for help to either PM him or post on the intro. I'll repost this on the link you've provided.

Finding help aint easy.

Posted: 04 Jun 2013, 05:18
by dancepartner
Okay, just posted to the 3.0 MOD Requests. I see this link goes to phpbb's main index page and I believe that's where I got into trouble the last time as I'm not supposed to say I'd like to hire help — that's called soliciting here.
Certainly they realize not everybody who is looking to get a phpbb forum running, comes with phpbb code skills, so why make it so difficult for people like me to find skill-qualified people — for hire?
Anyway, we'll see if they kick me off again.

Finding help aint easy.

Posted: 04 Jun 2013, 11:37
by martin123456
Request the mod to be made it may take some time but some one may make it for you ;)

Then you can ask for some one's help to install it with regards to HIRE never post that on or you need is the mod made for you then go from there.

Just a warning when paying some one to install a mod don't just hand your money or info over to just any one always check out there other posts and if in doubt ask about the person in question as there is plenty of people out there who will rip you off.

Finding help aint easy.

Posted: 04 Jun 2013, 14:38
by Stoker
Welcome dancepartner.
As i see your project its going to cost several work hours.
I am pretty sure that posting it at wont get you anywhere.

Im not able to do it, but you can ask Steve or Rich :thumb:

Finding help aint easy.

Posted: 04 Jun 2013, 21:11
by dancepartner
Thanks for the info Martin & Stoker.
I'm guessing Steve & Rich are capable and also, the trustworthy sort Martin is referring to?
If so, how do I get ahold of them?
Thanks for any and all guidance!

Actually, I did find a forum by Steve. Hope that's the right Steve. I sent him my query (did not use the H-re word).
Don't find a Rich as yet.

Finding help aint easy.

Posted: 09 Jun 2013, 02:41
by RMcGirr83

Finding help aint easy.

Posted: 09 Jun 2013, 04:14
by martin123456
Do you do mates rates ? ;)

To the OP remember i posted be careful to who you speak and trust too ?

Your be good to go with this guy.