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Posted: 13 Sep 2013, 00:55
by Gamers Talk
First of all awesome MOD, thank you!

Everything seems to be working just fine but one little problem I am having is the images folder shows a white blank page. Read some of the other post for support and nothing really seems to help. Inside my images folder there is a .htaccess file (blank) do I need to add a code inside this file in order for my 403 to work with my custom style?

This is what I have in the root section .htaccess file

Code: Select all

# Uncomment the statement below if you want to make use of
# HTTP authentication and it does not already work.
# This could be required if you are for example using PHP via Apache CGI.
#<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
#RewriteEngine on
#RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization},L]

<Files "config.php">
Order Allow,Deny
Deny from All

<Files "common.php">
Order Allow,Deny
Deny from All

ErrorDocument 400 /error.php?mode=400
ErrorDocument 401 /error.php?mode=401
ErrorDocument 403 /error.php?mode=403
ErrorDocument 404 /error.php?mode=404
ErrorDocument 500 /error.php?mode=500
Any help would really be appreciated.


Posted: 13 Sep 2013, 06:23
by Stoker
Try put this line at the top of your htaccess file

Code: Select all

Options -Indexes


Posted: 13 Sep 2013, 06:48
by Gamers Talk
Stoker, Thanks for the reply. That didn't seem to help. Any other ideas?


Posted: 13 Sep 2013, 07:04
by Stoker
Not really. 403 should work with all styles an all folders, but off course you need to have directory listings disables on the server.
Reading your post it sounds like it does work on some styles but not your custom?

You need som explaining and links to what works and what doesnt.


Posted: 13 Sep 2013, 07:11
by Gamers Talk
I am using two custom styles (se_gamer & se_gamer dark) they both work just fine with the error page mod but not the images folder. Do I need to do editing on my custom styles as well? Take a look for yourself and let me know @ (my site)


Posted: 13 Sep 2013, 07:23
by Stoker
This mod requires you to do absolutely NOTHING to your styles.
But for 403 to work on folders, you need to setup your server to disable directory listings. Thats done by adding the line I told you at the top of your htaccess file. And I am talking about the htaccess file you postet here.
By visiting this url: I can tell that you havent done this yet.
Undo what ever you have done to all your other folders. Its not needed for this to work. Actually DO NO do anything that is not instructed by this mod install instructions because I have NO CHANCE helping you if so.


Posted: 13 Sep 2013, 07:29
by Gamers Talk
Stoker, Thanks for the quick reply. I have added the code to my root file .htaccess at the top of the file just like you instructed me to do so. Other than that I have done nothing else. Whats next?


Posted: 13 Sep 2013, 07:34
by Stoker
Then you need to do the prosilver edit to any style you are using.
Then it will display the correct styling when visiting this link:


Posted: 13 Sep 2013, 07:41
by Gamers Talk
Ok I did that and now I can see it correctly the (error code) Whats next?


Posted: 13 Sep 2013, 07:44
by Stoker
Your done.
If you have problems with some folders it is because you have some restrictions either by server or by custom .htaccess files in those folders.