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Scroll To Top

Posted: 25 Nov 2014, 13:44
by Stoker
Extension Name: Scroll To Top
Author: Stoker

Animates the built in scroll to top function in viewtopic using jQuery

Please make a Donation

Version: 1.0.0
(9.06 KiB) Downloaded 434 times
  1. Copy the entire contents of the repository to ext/stoker/scrolltopanimate/
  2. Navigate in the ACP to Customise -> Extension Management -> Extensions.
  3. Click Enable.

Re: Scroll To Top

Posted: 26 Nov 2014, 09:38
by Meis@M
lovely Extension.

Re: Scroll To Top

Posted: 26 Nov 2014, 15:46
by Nully
Thanks Stoker :thumb:

Re: Scroll To Top

Posted: 08 Dec 2014, 22:36
by Tuqe
How is it used?
Any screenshot..

Re: Scroll To Top

Posted: 09 Dec 2014, 02:53
by Stoker
Tuqe wrote:How is it used?
Any screenshot..
Click the arrow to the right, just beneath the profile info.

Re: Scroll To Top

Posted: 09 Dec 2014, 06:11
by Sniper_E
Hell make two buttons in your next release, scroll up and scroll down.

<IF not LAST_POST> scroll down button &nbsp; <IF not FIRST_POST> scroll up button
Uh, then it wouldn't be Scroll To Top

Re: Scroll To Top

Posted: 09 Dec 2014, 11:21
by Stoker
Never really liked those scroll to bottom things.
But a floating scroll to top would be a nice thing to do :)

Re: Scroll To Top

Posted: 11 Dec 2014, 20:41
by Tuqe
Stoker wrote:
Tuqe wrote:How is it used?
Any screenshot..
Click the arrow to the right, just beneath the profile info.
Capture.PNG (21.8 KiB) Viewed 5476 times
Is it here?
if true, i didn't see anything.

Re: Scroll To Top

Posted: 12 Dec 2014, 07:24
by Stoker

Re: Scroll To Top

Posted: 12 Dec 2014, 22:18
by Tuqe
sorry, didn't something like this.
i decided not to use.
Thanks a lot.